Garga Samhita (English)
by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words
The Garga-samhita Verses 5.12.25-26, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 5 of Chapter 12 (Pancajana’s Previous Birth) of Canto 5 (mathura-khanda).
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Verses 5.12.25-26
Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:
तत् तस्मत् सर्व-मुख्यो ऽस्मि पिबम्य् अहम् अहर्-निचम् इति मन-युतम् चग्खम् पन्चजन्यम् विदेह-रत् चचप लक्स्मिस् तम् क्रोधत् त्वम् दैत्यो भव दुर्मते सो ऽपि पन्चजनो नम दैत्यो ऽभुत् सरितम् पतौ
tat tasmat sarva-mukhyo 'smi pibamy aham ahar-nicam iti mana-yutam cagkham pancajanyam videha-rat cacapa laksmis tam krodhat tvam daityo bhava durmate so 'pi pancajano nama daityo 'bhut saritam patau
tat—that; tasmat—therefore; sarva-mukhyah—the most important of all; asmi—I am; pibami—drink; aham—I; ahar-nicam—day and night; iti—thus; mana-yutamproud; cagkham—the conchshell; pacajanyam—Pancajanya; videha-rat—O king of Videha; cacapa—cursed; laksmih—the goddess of fortune; tam—him; krodhat—angrily; tvam—you; daityah—a demon; bhava—become; durmate—fool; sah—he; api—even; pancajanah—Pancajana; nama—namewd; daityah—a demon; abhut—became; saritam—of rivers; patau—in the king.
English translation of verses 5.12.25-26:
"Therefore I am the most important of all. Day and night I drink the nectar of Lord Krsna's lips."
The goddess of fortune then angrily cursed him, Fool! Become a demon! You will become a demon named Pa 24cajana and you will live in the ocean."
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Pancajanya, Pancajana, Fool, Goddess of fortune, Sanskrit text, King of Videha, Day and night, Angrily cursed, Cursed him.