Sanghabhedavastu [sanskrit]
79,275 words
The Sanskrit edition of the Sanghabhedavastu: The 17th and last section of the Vinaya of the Mulasarvastivadin. The text includes descriptions of the life of the Buddha Original titles: Saṅghabhedavastu (सङ्घभेदवस्तु), Saṃghabhedavastu (संघभेदवस्तु, Samghabhedavastu)
Chapter 145 - c) The Buddha hinders the extinction of the fire of Kāśyapa's students
(cps24 .1) tatredānīṃ bhagavānurubilvākāśyapasya jaṭilasyāśramapade viharati vanagulmake; atha te māṇavakā agniṃ paricaritvā nirvāpayitukāmā na śaknuvanti nirvāpayitum; atha te māṇavakā yenorubilākāśyapo jaṭilastenopajagmuḥ; upetyorubulvākāśyapaṃ jaṭilamidamavocat: iha vayamupādhyāyāgniṃ paricaritvā nirvāpayitukāmā na śaknumo nirvāpayitum; (cps24 .4) athorubilvākāśyapasya jaṭilasyaitadabhavat: mahāśramaṇo'smākaṃ sāmantake prativasati; mā haiva tasyānubhāvo bhaviṣyati; athorubilvākāśyapo jaṭilo yena bhagavāṃstenopajagāma; upetya bhagavantamidamavocat: ihāsmakaṃ mahāśramaṇa te māṇavakā agniṃ paricaritvā nirvāpayitukāmā na śaknuvanti nirvāpayitum; tasya me tadabhavat: mahāśramaṇo'smākaṃ sāmantake prativasati mā haiva tasyānubhāvo bhaviṣyati; (cps24 .7) nirvātu kāśyapāgniḥ; nirvātu mahāśramaṇa; atha so'gniḥ svayameva nirvṛto yathāpitadbuddhasya buddhānubhāvena devatānāṃ ca devatānubhāvena; athorubilvākāśyapasya jaṭilasyaitadabhavat: āścaryaṃ yāvanmaharddhiko mahāśramaṇo mahānubhāvaḥ; api tvahamapyarhan (220)