Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation

by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words

This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...

Tamil text and transliteration:

பண்பு உடை வேதம் பயந்த பரனுக்கு,
மண் புரை வையம் இடந்த வராகற்கு,
தெண் புனல் பள்ளி எம் தேவ பிரானுக்கு, என்
கண்புனை கோதை இழந்தது கற்பே.

paṇpu uṭai vētam payanta paraṉukku,
maṇ purai vaiyam iṭanta varākaṟku,
teṇ puṉal paḷḷi em tēva pirāṉukku, eṉ
kaṇpuṉai kōtai iḻantatu kaṟpē.

English translation of verse 6.6.5:

My daughter, with locks attractive, has been thrown
Into mental imbalance, steeped in deep meditation
Of the Lord Supreme, Who did on limpid waters vast recline.
Who, as the Great Boar, did the earthen world lift
And (unto Brahmā) the sanctified Vedas did gift.


The Śāstras have brought out the Lord's remarkable attention for His devotees’ well-being and the various acts of benefaction. performed by Him for them. The mother now says that her daughter (Parāṅkuśa Nāyakī) has, in her present state of dejection, lost the perspective and begun to doubt seriously the veracity of these statements. She is perhaps inclined to think that Sages Vyāsa, Parāśara and Vālmīki might have been hired out by the Lord to say quite a few good things about Him. which, in reality, do not hold good.

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