Section CLXXVIII - Story of Amva and Bhishma: Hotravahana's Advice

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section CLXXVIII including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Short summary of the chapter:
Amva, the princess of Kasi, was abducted by Bhishma during her Swayamvara ceremony and taken to Hastinapura. She declared her love for the lord of the Salvas, but he rejected her, leading her to seek refuge in the forest to devote herself to ascetic austerities. Her maternal grandfather, Hotravahana, advised her to seek help from Rama, the son of Jamadagni, a renowned sage known for his truthfulness and great might. Hotravahana assured Amva that Rama would be able to help her overcome her distress and grief.

Akritavrana informed Hotravahana that Rama spoke highly of him and would be arriving the next morning. Hotravahana revealed to Akritavrana that Amva was his daughter's child and narrated the events that led to her current situation. Amva had chosen the lord of the Salvas as her husband but was rejected, leading her to seek solace in the forest and practise ascetic austerities. Bhishma's actions were considered the root cause of her sorrow, and she was seeking guidance on what her next steps should be.

Hotravahana advised Amva to go to Rama and convey her story to him, as Rama considered Hotravahana a dear friend and would be willing to help her. Amva agreed to seek Rama's assistance and asked Hotravahana for more details on how she could find and approach the sage. Hotravahana assured her that Rama resided in the Mahendra mountains, where many sages, Gandharvas, and Apsaras also lived. He encouraged Amva to approach Rama with respect and sincerity, as he was confident that Rama would be able to provide her with guidance and assistance in her time of need.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section CLXXVIII - Story of Amva and Bhishma: Hotravahana's Advice, have a look at the following articles:

Section CLXXVIII, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section CLXXVIII:

What is the story of Amva and her plight?

Amva, a princess, was rejected after a Swayamvara and seeks solace in asceticism. She chooses Rama's guidance over returning home.

Who were the key characters in this narrative?

Amva, the princess, Hotravahana, her maternal grandfather, Rama, the sage, and Akritavrana, Rama's companion, played important roles in the story.

Why did Amva refuse to return to her father's abode?

Amva feared disgrace from her family after being rejected by Salva and Bhishma. She sought solace in ascetic practices instead.

How did Hotravahana and Rama offer help to Amva?

Hotravahana advised Amva to seek Rama's guidance for her grief. Rama, known for his prowess and compassion, was willing to help her.

Daily life: Story of Amva and Bhishma: Hotravahana's Advice:

In this tale from the Mahabharata, the young maiden Amva finds herself in a difficult situation after being rejected by both Bhishma and her chosen suitor, the lord of the Salvas. Despite her difficulties, she turns to ascetic practices in the forest, seeking to find solace and direction. Eventually, her resolve leads her to seek the counsel of the sage Rama, on the advice of her maternal grandfather. This story teaches us about resilience in the face of adversity and the importance of seeking guidance when at a crossroads in life.

When faced with challenging times, it's crucial not to give up but to look for alternative paths and solutions, much like Amva did. She did not return to the comforts of her past life but chose to confront her predicaments head-on. Her journey underscores the value of perseverance and adapting to new realities, even when they diverge significantly from our initial expectations or desires.

Moreover, the narrative highlights the significance of mentors or guides in navigating life's complexities. Amva's grandfather provided her with advice and direction, showing that wisdom and support from those who care for us can be invaluable. It reminds us to remain open to advice and to seek wisdom from those more experienced, for they can often see solutions we cannot.

In implementing these lessons, one can approach life's challenges with courage and an open heart, ready to adapt and seek out guidance when necessary. By embracing change and being willing to tread unfamiliar paths with determination, we can navigate our journeys through life more effectively, learning and growing from each encounter.

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