Section Xl - Arjuna Receives Pasupatastra Weapon from Lord Shiva

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Book index: Mahabharata (English)
This page contains a summary of the Mahabharata Section Xl including examples of moral lessons in daily life. The Maha-Bharata is one of the largest epics ever written containing roughly 100,000 Sanskrit verses. It deals with the legendary history of ancient India and contains a large number of interwoven tales.

Mahabharata Section Xl - Arjuna Receives Pasupatastra Weapon from Lord Shiva
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Short summary of the chapter:
In a past life, Arjuna was Nara, the friend of Narayana, and had performed fierce ascetic austerities in Vadari for thousands of years. Mahadeva, impressed by Arjuna's might and prowess, granted him the celestial weapon Brahmasira. Arjuna then requested the Pasuputa weapon, which was even more powerful, from Mahadeva to ensure victory in the upcoming battle against formidable foes like Karna, Bhishma, and Drona. Mahadeva warned Arjuna of the destructive power of the Pasuputa weapon and instructed him on how to wield it effectively, with the weapon acknowledging Arjuna as its master.

After receiving the knowledge of the Pasuputa weapon, Arjuna's body was purified, and he was instructed by Mahadeva to go to heaven. The earth trembled, and celestial sounds were heard as Arjuna was empowered with the Pasuputa weapon. The weapon was seen in its embodied form by the gods and Danavas, confirming Arjuna's newfound strength and prowess. Any evil within Arjuna was dispelled by the touch of the three-eyed deity Mahadeva, who then commanded Arjuna to go to heaven.

Arjuna, filled with gratitude, worshipped Mahadeva and received the great bow Gandiva from him. The Gandiva bow, known for its ability to destroy Danavas and Pisachas, was given to Arjuna as a blessing from the god of gods. With the Gandiva bow in hand, Arjuna watched as Mahadeva, accompanied by Uma, departed for the skies, leaving behind the blessed mountain where their encounter had taken place. This marked the end of Arjuna's transformative experience with Mahadeva and the acquisition of powerful weapons for his upcoming battles.

Full English translation:

This page is merely a summary which is automatically generated. If you are looking for authentic sources such as the Sanskrit text or the Full English translation of Mahabharata Section Xl - Arjuna Receives Pasupatastra Weapon from Lord Shiva, have a look at the following articles:

Section Xl, online text

English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli.

Read this and other chapters online.

Mahabharata (English Summary)

by Kisari Mohan Ganguli | ISBN-10: 8121505933

Buy the latest edition:

FAQ of Mahabharata, Section Xl:

What weapon did Arjuna ask for and what boon did he receive?

Arjuna asked for the Brahmasira weapon and received the Pasuputa weapon from Mahadeva. The Pasuputa was a powerful weapon capable of destroying the entire universe.

Why did Arjuna want the Pasuputa weapon?

Arjuna wanted the Pasuputa weapon to defeat formidable foes like Karna, Bhishma, Kripa, and Drona in the upcoming conflict. He sought victory in battle against powerful enemies.

What instructions did Mahadeva give Arjuna regarding the Pasuputa weapon?

Mahadeva warned Arjuna to use the Pasuputa with caution, as it had the potential to destroy the entire universe. The weapon could be hurled by the mind, eye, words, and bow.

Daily life: Arjuna Receives Pasupatastra Weapon from Lord Shiva:

This story, at its core, teaches the values of persistence, diligence, and humility in the pursuit of one's goals. The narrative highlights how Arjuna, through his unwavering dedication and sincere devotion, is granted a powerful weapon by Mahadeva. This weapon, a symbol of divine empowerment, is not just a reward for Arjuna’s austerities but also a responsibility he bears, emphasizing the importance of wisdom in wielding power.

To implement the essence of this story in daily life, one can start by setting clear goals and pursuing them with consistent effort and discipline, much like Arjuna's ascetic practices. It’s crucial to recognize and honor the support we receive along our journey, acknowledging that no success is achieved alone. This teaches humility and gratitude.

Additionally, the story underscores the significance of using our "weapons" - be it skills, knowledge, or resources - wisely and responsibly. Just as Arjuna was cautioned not to use the celestial weapon without adequate cause, we too should exercise discretion in our actions, ensuring they serve a greater good and do not harm the intricate balance of our universe.

In essence, by embodying Arjuna's dedication, seeking guidance and wisdom along our path, and acting with thoughtful consideration of our impact on the world, we can navigate the challenges of life effectively, achieving our goals while contributing positively to the world around us.

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