Ya, Yá: 20 definitions


Ya means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit, Buddhism, Pali, the history of ancient India, Marathi, Hindi, biology, Tamil. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

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In Hinduism

Vyakarana (Sanskrit grammar)

Source: Wikisource: A dictionary of Sanskrit grammar

1) Ya (य).—The consonant य् (y) with अ (a) added to it merely for the sake of facility in pronunciation; यकार (yakāra) is also used in the same sense: e. g. लिटि वयो यःः (liṭi vayo yaḥḥ) P.VI.1.38 cf. T.Pr.I: 17,21;

2) Ya.—Krt affix (यत् (yat)) prescribed as कृत्य (kṛtya) or potential passive participle; e.g. चेयम्, गेयम्, शाप्यम्, शक्यम्, गद्यम्, अजर्यम् पण्यम् (ceyam, geyam, śāpyam, śakyam, gadyam, ajaryam paṇyam) etc.: cf. अचो यत् (aco yat)...अजर्यं संगतम् (ajaryaṃ saṃgatam) P. III. 1.97-105;

3) Ya.—Krt. affix क्यप् (kyap) which is also an affix called krtya; e. g. ब्रह्मोद्यम्, भाव्यम्, घात्यम्, स्तुत्यम्, कल्प्यम्, खेयम्, भृत्यःः, भिद्यः, पुष्यः, कृत्यम् (brahmodyam, bhāvyam, ghātyam, stutyam, kalpyam, kheyam, bhṛtyaḥḥ, bhidyaḥ, puṣyaḥ, kṛtyam) also कार्यम् (kāryam) ; cf. P. III. 1.106-123;

4) Ya.—Krt affix ण्यत् (ṇyat) (which is also कृत्य (kṛtya)), e. g कार्यम्, हार्यम्, वाक्यम्, लाव्यम्, कुण्डपाय्यम् (kāryam, hāryam, vākyam, lāvyam, kuṇḍapāyyam). etc.: cf P. III. 1.124-132:

5) Ya.—tad. affix य (ya) affixed (a) in the sense of collection to पाश, वात (pāśa, vāta) etc., as also to खल, गो (khala, go) and रथ (ratha), e. g. पाद्या, रथ्या (pādyā, rathyā) etc. cf. P. IV. 2. 49, 50ः () (b) in the चातुरर्थिक (cāturarthika) senses to बल, कुल, तुल (bala, kula, tula) etc. e. g. वल्यः (valyaḥ),.कुल्यम् (kulyam); cf. P V.2. 80, (c) as a Saisika tad. affix to ग्राम (grāma) along with the affix खञ् (khañ) e. g. ग्राम्यः, ग्रामीणः (grāmyaḥ, grāmīṇaḥ); cf P: IV. 2.94 (d) in the sense of 'good therein' (तत्र साधुः (tatra sādhuḥ)) and other stated senses affixed to सभा, सोदर, पूर्व (sabhā, sodara, pūrva), and सोम (soma); e. g. सभ्यः, पूर्व्यः (sabhyaḥ, pūrvyaḥ); .etc. cf. P. IV. 4.105, 109, 133, 137, 138; (e) in the sense of 'deserving it' to दण्ड (daṇḍa) and other words, e. g. दण्ड्य, अर्ध्य, मेध्य, मेध्य (daṇḍya, ardhya, medhya, medhya), etc.; cf P. V. 1.66: (f) in the sense of quality or action to सखि (sakhi) e. g. सख्यम् (sakhyam) ; cf P. V. 1.126;

6) Ya.—tad. affix यत् (yat) applied to (a) राजन् श्वशुर, कुल, मनु (rājan śvaśura, kula, manu) in the sense of offspring, (b) शूल, उखा, वायु, ऋतु (śūla, ukhā, vāyu, ṛtu) and others, under certain conditions; cf. P. IV. 2.17, 31, 32, 101, (c) to अर्ध, परार्ध (ardha, parārdha), words in the class headed by दि्श, छन्दस् (di्śa, chandas) and others in specific senses; cf P. IV. 3-46, 54 etc. and (d) in specific senses to specific words mentioned here and there in a number of sutras from IV.4, 75 to V.4.25; (e) to शाखा, मुख, जघन (śākhā, mukha, jaghana) and others in the sense of इव (iva) (similar to) e.g. शाख्यः, मुख्यः (śākhyaḥ, mukhyaḥ), etc.; cf. P. V. 3. 103;

7) Ya.—Case-ending य (ya) substituted for ङे (ṅe) of the dative sing; e. g. रामाय (rāmāya) cf. P. VII. 3.102:

8) Ya.—Verb-affix यक् (yak) applied to the nouns कण्डू (kaṇḍū) and others to make them (denominative) roots; e. g. कण्डूय,सन्तूय (kaṇḍūya, santūya) etc. cf. कण्ड्वादिभ्यो यक् (kaṇḍvādibhyo yak) P. III. 1.27

9) Ya.—| Vikarana य (ya) (यक् (yak)) applied to any root before the Saarvadhaatuka personal endings to form the base for the passive voice as also the base for the 'Karmakartari' voice e g क्रियते, भूयते (kriyate, bhūyate), cf. सार्वधातुके यक् (sārvadhātuke yak) P. III. 1.67

10) Ya.—Unaadi affix य (ya) (यक् (yak)) applied to the root हन् (han) to form the Vedic word अघ्न्य (aghnya); cf अघ्न्यादयश्च (aghnyādayaśca);

11) Ya.—Augment य (ya) (यक् (yak)) added to the affix क्त्वा (ktvā) in Vedic Literature; e. g. दत्त्वाय (dattvāya); cf. क्त्वो यक् (ktvo yak) P. VII.1.47;

12) Ya.—Verb affix यङ् (yaṅ) added to a root to form its Intensive base (which sometimes is dropped) and the root is doubled. e. g. चेक्रीयते,चर्करीति (cekrīyate, carkarīti);. cf. P. III. 1.22,24;

13) Ya.—Short term (प्रत्याहार (pratyāhāra)) supposed to be beginning with य (ya) in the affix यइ (yai) in the sutra धातोरेकाचो (dhātorekāco) ... यङ् (yaṅ) III. 1.22, and ending with ङ् () in the sutra लिड्या-शिष्यङ्क (liḍyā-śiṣyaṅka) III. 1.86, with a view to include the various verb affixes and conjugational signs.

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Yā (या).—Substitute for a case affix in Vedic Literature; e.g. उरुया, धृष्णुया (uruyā, dhṛṣṇuyā) for उरुणा, धृष्णुना (uruṇā, dhṛṣṇunā), cf. सुपां सुलुक् (supāṃ suluk)o P.VII. 1.39.

Vyakarana book cover
context information

Vyakarana (व्याकरण, vyākaraṇa) refers to Sanskrit grammar and represents one of the six additional sciences (vedanga) to be studied along with the Vedas. Vyakarana concerns itself with the rules of Sanskrit grammar and linguistic analysis in order to establish the correct context of words and sentences.

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Purana and Itihasa (epic history)

Source: archive.org: Puranic Encyclopedia

Ya (य).—This letter means "Yāga", "Yātā" (one who goes) or "hero". (Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 348).

Purana book cover
context information

The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.

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Ganitashastra (Mathematics and Algebra)

Source: archive.org: Hindu Mathematics

Yā (या) refers to the “unknowns” while it represents the abbreviation of yāvattāvat, according to the principles of Bījagaṇita (“algebra” or ‘science of calculation’), according to Gaṇita-śāstra, ancient Indian mathematics and astronomy.—The unknown quantity was called yāvattāvat (as many as, so much as). In later times this name, or its abbreviation , is used for the unknown. According to the celebrated Sanskrit lexicographer Amarasiṃha (f. 400 A.D.), yāvattāvat denotes measure or quantity (māna). He had probably in view the use of that term in Hindu algebra to denote “the measure of an unknown” (avyaktamāna). In the case of more unknowns, it is usual to denote the first yāvattāvat and the remaining ones by alphabets or colours.

Ganitashastra book cover
context information

Ganitashastra (शिल्पशास्त्र, gaṇitaśāstra) refers to the ancient Indian science of mathematics, algebra, number theory, arithmetic, etc. Closely allied with astronomy, both were commonly taught and studied in universities, even since the 1st millennium BCE. Ganita-shastra also includes ritualistic math-books such as the Shulba-sutras.

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India history and geography

Source: Google Books: The Crystal Mirror of Philosophical Systems (h)

Ya refers to one of the “Thirteen Districts of Tibet” known in Tibetan as bod kyi khri skor bcu gsum.

India history book cover
context information

The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as mythology, zoology, royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

Discover the meaning of ya in the context of India history from relevant books on Exotic India

Biology (plants and animals)

Source: Google Books: CRC World Dictionary (Regional names)

1) Ya in Central America is the name of a plant defined with Lophira alata in various botanical sources. This page contains potential references in Ayurveda, modern medicine, and other folk traditions or local practices It has the synonym Lophira barteri Tiegh. (among others).

2) Ya in Nigeria is also identified with Sorghum bicolor It has the synonym Holcus dochna Forssk. (etc.).

3) Ya in South America is also identified with Nicotiana tabacum It has the synonym Nicotiana tabaca St.-Lag. (etc.).

Example references for further research on medicinal uses or toxicity (see latin names for full list):

· Prodromus Plantarum Capensium, … (1794)
· Acta Genetica Sinica (1984)
· Annales de la Société Botanique de Lyon (1880)
· Chromosoma (1980)
· Chromosoma (1974)
· Linnaea (1847)

If you are looking for specific details regarding Ya, for example diet and recipes, extract dosage, side effects, pregnancy safety, chemical composition, health benefits, have a look at these references.

Biology book cover
context information

This sections includes definitions from the five kingdoms of living things: Animals, Plants, Fungi, Protists and Monera. It will include both the official binomial nomenclature (scientific names usually in Latin) as well as regional spellings and variants.

Discover the meaning of ya in the context of Biology from relevant books on Exotic India

Languages of India and abroad

Pali-English dictionary

Source: Sutta: The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary

Ya°, (pron. rel. base; Vedic yaḥ=Gr. o(ζ who; cp. Goth. jabai if, —ei rel. part. An amplification of the dem. pron. base *i-, *ei- (cp. ayaṃ). See on detail Brugmann, “Die indogerm. Pronomina” in Ber. d. sächs. Ges. LX. 41 sq.) I. Forms. (See inflection also at Geiger, P. Gr. § 110.) The decl. is similar to that of ta°; among the more rarely found forms we only mention the foll. : sg. Nom. m. yo with by-form (in hiatus) yv-, as yvâyaṃ=yo ayaṃ M. I, 258; yvâssa=yo assa M. I, 137. Notice the lengthening of the subsequent vowel. ‹-› An unsettled ya is to be found at J. V, 424 (Fausböll remarks “for yassā”?; perhaps to be combined with preceding pañcapatikā; C. on p. 427 explains ya-kāro nipātamatto)— Abl. yasmā in adv. use; yamhā Dh. 392.—Loc. yamhi Dh. 261, 372, 393.—f. Loc. yassaṃ A. III, 151 (see below). See further adv. use of cases (below II. 5).—At Pv. II, 16 yāhi is doubtful (perhaps imper. =yajahi, of yajati; C. leaves it unexplained).

Special mention must be made of the nt. n. Acc. sg. where both yaṃ and yad are found. The (Vedic) form yad (Ved. yat) has been felt more like ya+expletive (Sandhi-) d, and is principally found in adv. use and certain archaic phrases, whereas yaṃ represents the usual (Pali) form (like tad and taṃ). See more under II.—A Māgadhized form is ye (after se=taṃ), found at D. II, 278 (see Geiger § 1052 & 1102. Cp. Trenckner, Notes 75.). The expression ye-bhuyyena may belong under this category, if we explain it as yad+bhuyyena (bhuyyena equivalent to bhiyyoso). It would then correspond to seyyathā (=sad+yathā, cp. sayathā, sace, taṃyathā). See refs. under yebhuyyena.—The expression yevāpanaka is an adj. formn from the phrase ye-vā-pana (=yaṃ vā pana “whatever else there is”), i.e. belonging to something of the same kind, i.e. corresponding, reciprocal, as far as concerned, respective. (See s. v.) — In adv. use it often corresponds to E. as; see e.g. yad-icchakaṃ, yad-idaṃ (under II. 2 b; II, 4 b.).

II. Meaning: “which, ” in correspondence to a following demonstr. pron. (ta°); whichever (generalizing); nt. what, whatever. In immediate combination with the demonstr. pron. it is qualifying and specifying the person, thing or subject in discussion or question (see below 4).

1. Regular use as correl. pron. when ya° (+noun) is followed by ta° (+noun). Sometimes (in poetry) the reverse is the case, e.g. at It. 84 where ta° (m. sa) is elliptically omitted: atthaṃ na jānāti yaṃ lobho sahate naraṃ “he does not know good, whom greed overcomes. ” — Otherwise regular, e.g. : yassa jātarūparajataṃ kappati pañca pi tassa kāmaguṇā kappanti S. IV, 326. In a generalizing sense (cp. below II. 3): yo so “der erste beste, ” some or other, whoever, any J. IV, 38; V, 362; yaṃ vā taṃ vā karotu let her do whatever she likes VvA. 208; yasmiṃ vā tasmiṃ vā on every occasion S. I, 160 na yoso vā yakkho not this or that yakkha i.e. not any (ordinary) kind of Yakkha (but Inda) DA. I, 264.—The same use (ordinary correlative) applies to the nt. forms yaṃ & yad in correl. to taṃ and tad. (See sep. under II. 2.)

2. Use of nt. forms.—(a) nt. yaṃ (a) as pronoun: S. III, 44 (yaṃ dukkhaṃ ... tad anattā); It. 78 (yañ c’aññaṃ whatever else); VbhA. 54 (yaṃ labbhati yañ ca na labbhati taṃ sabbaṃ pucchitvā). See also under 3 a (yaṃ kiñci, yaṃ yaṃ).—(b) as adj. adv. : yaṃmukha facing what, turned where (?) J. V, 475 (but C. reads & explains sammukha!); yaṃ—vipāka having what or which kind of fruit D. II, 209. yaṃ vā ... yaṃ vā whether ... or S. II, 179; yaṃ no ... na tv’eva neither ... nor S. II, 179-180.—yaṃ with pot. : “so that, ” that (corresp. to Lat. ut consecutivum) S. III, 41 (yaṃ rūpe anatt’ânupassī vihareyya). J. V, 339 (n’esa dhammo yaṃ taṃ jahe that I should leave you).—In the function of other conjunctions e.g. as temporal= when, since, after: J. IV, 319 (yaṃ maṃ Suruci-m-ānayi that, or since, S. married me). As conditional or causal =if, even if, because: Vin. I, 276 (yaṃ te sakkā ... arogaṃ kātuṃ, taṃ karohi if it is possible ... do it; or may be taken in sense of “in whatever way you can do it, do”); J. III, 206=IV. 4 (yaṃ me sirasmiṃ ūhacca cakkaṃ bhamati matthake=because; C. : yena pāpena).—(c) as adv. deictive “so, ” in combination with var. other (emphatic) particles as e.g. yaṃ nūna used in an exhortative sense “well, now”; or “rather, let me”; or “so now, ” always in phrase yaṃ nūn’âhaṃ “now then let me” (do this or that) very frequent either with foll. pot. e.g. “y. n. âhaṃ araññaṃ paviseyyaṃ” DhA. II, 91. “y. n. â. katakammaṃ puccheyyaṃ” VvA. 132; dasseyyaṃ VvA. 138; pabbajjeyyaṃ M. II, 55; āneyyaṃ DhA. I, 46, vihareyyaṃ ibid. 56; etc. cp. J. I, 14, 150, 255; III, 393; DhA. I, 91; PvA. 5 (avassayo bhaveyyaṃ).—Similarly yañ hi “well then, now then” (with Pot.) S. II, 210, 221 (taṃ vadeyya). Cp. yagghe. yañ ca & yañ ce (Sk. yac ca, or cet, ca here=ce see ca. & cp. sace=sa+ce) (rather) than that: yañ ca Th. 2, 80; J. I, 210; yañce (with Pot.) S. I, 176; It. 43; Th. 1, 666. saṅgāme me mataṃ seyyo yañ ce jīve parājito (than that I live vanquished) Sn. 440 (cp. the intricate explanation at SnA 390); similarly J. IV, 495: me maraṇaṃ seyyo yañ ce jīve tayā vinā.—(b) nt. yad: (a) as pron in regular relative use e.g. S. III, 44 (yad aniccaṃ taṃ dukkhaṃ); It. 59 (yad eva diṭṭhaṃ tad ev’âhaṃ vadāmi). (b) as adv. e.g. yad-agge (Loc.) from what on, i.e. from which time, since what time D. I, 152 (=mūladivasato paṭṭhāya yaṃ divasaṃ aggaṃ patvā DA. I, 311); Vv 8433 (=yato paṭṭhāya VvA. 344). Also as yad-aggena (Instr.) Vin. II, 257 (y. Mahāpajāpati-gotamiyā aṭṭha garudhammā paṭiggahitā tad eva sā upasampannā); VbhA. 387.—yad — atthaṃ for what, why Th. 2, 163. yad-atthiya as much as necessary, as required, sufficient, proper Th. 1, 12; 1274 (“which, for the goal desirous, he led” trsl.; refers to brahmacariyaṃ). The same verse occurs at Sn. 354. The latter passage is mentioned in P. D. under atthiya with meaning “on account of what” (cp. kim-atthiyaṃ S. III, 189). The Sn. passage is not explained in SnA.—yad-icchakaṃ whatever is pleasant, i.e. according to liking, as he pleases A. III, 28; Pug. 11, 12; J. I, 141 (y. bhutta eaten heartily); Vism. 154 (+yavadicchaka); VvA. 341. Cp. yen’icchakaṃ below II. 5.—yad-icchita see under yathā-icchita! — yadidaṃ: see below II. 4 b.

3. Generalizing (or distributive) use of ya: There are two modes of generalization, viz. (a) by repeating ya°: yassa yass’eva sālassa mūle tiṭṭhasi, so so muñcati pupphāni; “at the foot of whichever tree you stand, he (in all cases concerned) sheds flowers” Vv 393; yaṃ yaṃ hi manaso piyaṃ “whatever is pleasant to the senses” Pv. II, 118; yaṃ yaṃ passati taṃ taṃ pucchati “whomsoever he sees, him he asks” J. III, 155; yassaṃ yassaṃ disāyaṃ viharati, sakasmiṃ yeva vijite viharati” in whichever region he lives, he lives in his own realm” A. III, 151; yo yo yaṃ yaṃ icchati tassa tassa adāsi “whatever anybody wished he gave to him” PvA. 113; yaṃ yaṃ padesaṃ bhajati tattha tatth’eva assa lābhasakkāro nibbattati “whichever region he visits, there (in each) will he have success” DhA. II, 82.—(b) by combination with ko-ci (cp. the identical Lat. qui-cun-que): yassa kassaci rāgo pahīno ayaṃ vuccati ... “the lust of whosoever is abandoned he is called so & so” It. 56. yāni kānici vatthūni ... sabbāni tāni ... It. 19; ye keci ārabbha “with ref. to whosoever” PvA. 17; yaṃ kiñci whatever Pv. I, 41.

4. Dependent & elliptic use of ya (with pron. demonstr.). This represents a sort of deictic (emphatic) use, with ref. to what is coming next or what forms the necessary compliment to what is just being said. Thus it introduces a general truth or definition, as we would say “just this, namely, i.e. ” or Ger. “so wie, und zwar. ” — (a) The usual combinations are those of ya+sa (nt. taṃ) and of ya+ayaṃ (nt. idaṃ), but such with amu (nt. aduṃ) also occur: yaṃ aduṃ khettaṃ aggaṃ evam eva mayhaṃ bhikkhu-bhikkhuniyo “as there is one field which is the best, thus to me the bh. & bhikkhunīs” S. IV, 315. Cp. the foll. : ya+sa e.g. at M. I. 366 (yo so puriso paṭhamaṃ rukkhaṃ ārūḷho sace so na khippam eva oroheyya “just that man, who climbed up the tree first, if he does not come down very quickly”); J. II, 159 (yena tena upāyena with every possible means); Pv. I, 91 (yā tā (so read for yā ca!) “just she over there; who as such, i.e. such as she is”); cp. also the foll. : yā sā sīmā ... taṃ sīmaṃ Vin. I, 109; ye te dhammā ādikalyāṇā etc... . sātthaṃ brahmacariyaṃ abhivadanti tathā rūpā ‘ssa dhammā honti ... M. III, 11; yāni etāni yānāni (just) these DhA. IV, 6.—ya+ayaṃ e.g. at M. I, 258 (yv’āyaṃ vado vedeyyo tatra tatra ... vipākaṃ paṭisaṃvedeti); It. 35=93 (nibbāpenti moh’aggiṃ paññāya yā ‘yaṃ nibbedha-gāminī: “as it is also penetrating, which as such, or in this quality, or as we know, is penetrating”); Vin. IV, 134 (ye ‘me antarāyikā dhammā vuttā ... te paṭisevato n’âlaṃ antarāyāya “just those which, or whichever”). Th. 1, 124 (paṅko ti hi naṃ avedayuṃ yâyaṃ vandanapūjanā; here=yā ayaṃ); Dh. 56 (appamatto ayaṃ gandho yâyaṃ tagara-candanī; here=yo ayaṃ); M. II, 220 (yaṃ idaṃ kammaṃ ... taṃ).—(b) nt. yadidaṃ lit. “as that, ” which is this (i.e. the following), may be translated by “viz. ” that is, “i.e. ” in other words, so to speak, just this, “I mean”; e.g. kāmānaṃ etaṃ nissaraṇaṃ yad idaṃ nekkhammaṃ “there is an escape from the lusts, viz. lustlessness”; or: “this is the abandoning of lusts, in other words lustlessness” It. 61; dve dānāni āmisa° dhamm°, etad aggaṃ imesaṃ yad idaṃ dhamma° “this is the best of them, I mean dh-d. ” It. 98=100; supaṭipanno sāvaka-saṅgho, y. i. cattāri purisa-yugāni etc. M. I, 37. Instead of yadidaṃ we also find yāvañ c’idaṃ. See also examples given under yāvatā.

5. Cases used adverbially: Either locally or modally; with regards to the local adverbs it is to be remarked that their connotation is fluctuating, inasmuch as direction and place (where) are not always distinguished (cp. E. where both meanings=where & where-to), but must be guessed from the context. (a) Instr. yena: (local) where (i.e. at which place) D. I, 71 (yena yena wherever), 220 (yattha yena yahiṃ=whence, where, whither; not with translation Dial. I. 281: where, why, whence!), 238 (id.); yenatena where (he was) —there (he went) D. I, 88, 106, 112 & passim; cp. D. II, 85 (yena âvasath’âgāraṃ ten’upasaṅkami); A. II, 33 (yena vā tena vā here & there or “hither & thither”).—(modal) Dh. 326 (yen’icchakaṃ II. 2 b.); Pv. I, 112 (kiṃ akattha pāpaṃ yena pivātha lohitaṃ: so that). -Loc. yahiṃ where (or whither) Vv 8429 (yahiṃ yahiṃ gacchati tahiṃ tahiṃ modati); & yasmiṃ: yasmiṃ vā tasmiṃ vā on every occasion S. I, 160.—Abl. yasmā (only modal) because A. I, 260; It. 37 (corresp. to tasmā). On yasmā-t-iha see Geiger, P. Gr. 735. (Page 543)

Pali book cover
context information

Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. Closeley related to Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between religions.

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Marathi-English dictionary

Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary

ya (य).—a form of contraction for Also or even; as tōya gēlā, hāya ālā, tēvhāṃya mīñca hōtōṃ ātāṃya mīñca āhēṃ. This emphatic use is not vulgar.

--- OR ---

yā (या).—conj ( P) Or.

Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-English

ya (य).—or- f sometimes nidhāva m and nidhāratī f pl Great fuss.

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ya (य).—The twenty-sixth consonant.

context information

Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.

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Sanskrit dictionary

Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

Ya (य).—1 One who goes or moves, a goer, mover.

2) A carriage.

3) Wind, air.

4) Union.

5) Fame.

6) Barley.

7) Restraint.

8) Light.

9) Abandoning.

1) One of the eight syllabic feet (gaṇa) consisting of one short syllable followed by two long ones.

11) Name of Yama.

-yā 1 Going.

2) A carriage.

3) Restraining.

4) Religious meditation (dhyāna).

5) Obtaining.

6) An epithet of Lakṣmī.

7) Pudendum muliebre.

Derivable forms: yaḥ (यः).

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Ya (य).—1 P. (yacchati, yayāma, ayaṃsīt, yaṃsyati, yantum, yata; desid. yiyaṃsati)

1) To check, curb, restrain, control, subdue, stop, suppress; यच्छेद् वाङ्मनसी प्रज्ञः (yacched vāṅmanasī prajñaḥ) Kaṭh; यत- चित्तात्मन् (yata- cittātman) Bhagavadgītā (Bombay) 4.21; see यत (yata).

2) To offer, give, bestow.

3) Ved. To support, sustain.

4) To raise, lift up.

5) To extend, stretch.

6) To go.

7) To exhibit, show. -Caus. (yamayati-te) To restrain, check &c.

Derivable forms: yam (यम्).

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Yā (या).—2 P. (yāti, yayau, ayāsīt, yāsyati, yātum, yāta)

1) To go, move, walk, proceed; ययौ तदीयामवलम्ब्य चाङ्गुलिम् (yayau tadīyāmavalambya cāṅgulim) R.3.25; अन्वग्ययौ मध्यमलोकपालः (anvagyayau madhyamalokapālaḥ) 2.16.

2) To march against, invade; तदा यायाद् विगृह्यैव व्यसने चोत्थिते रिपोः (tadā yāyād vigṛhyaiva vyasane cotthite ripoḥ) Ms. 7.183.

3) To go to, march towards, set out for (with acc., dat. or with prati).

4) To pass away, withdraw, depart; यातु प्रस्तुतमनुसंधीयताम् (yātu prastutamanusaṃdhīyatām) H.3. 'let it go or pass, never mind it'

5) To vanish, disappear; यातस्तवापि च विवेकः (yātastavāpi ca vivekaḥ) Bv.1.66; भाग्यक्रमेण हि धनानि भवन्ति यान्ति (bhāgyakrameṇa hi dhanāni bhavanti yānti) Mṛcchakaṭika 1. 13.

6) To pass away or by, elapse (as time); यौवन- मनिवर्ति यातं तु (yauvana- manivarti yātaṃ tu) K. P.1.

7) To last.

8) To happen, come to pass.

9) To go or be reduced to any state, be or become (usually with the acc. of abstract noun).

1) To undertake; न त्वस्य सिद्धौ यास्यामि सर्गव्यापारमात्मना (na tvasya siddhau yāsyāmi sargavyāpāramātmanā) Kumārasambhava 2.54.

11) To have carnal intercourse with.

12) To request, implore.

13) To find out, discover.

14) To behave, act. (The meanings of , like those of gam, are variously modified according to the noun with which it is connected; e. g. nāśaṃ yā to be destroyed; vācyatāṃ yā to incur blame or censure; laghutāṃ yā to be slighted; prakṛtiṃ yā to regain one's natural state; nidrāṃ yā to fall asleep; vaśaṃ yā to submit, go into one's possession; udayaṃ yā to rise; astaṃ yā to set, decline; pāraṃ yā to reach the other side of, to master, surmount, get over; padaṃ yā to attain to the position of; agre yā to go before, take the lead, lead; adho yā to sink; viparyāsaṃ yā to undergo a change, to be changed in appearance; śirasā mahīṃ yā to bend the head down to the ground &c.). -Caus. (yāpayati-te)

1) To cause to go or proceed.

2) To remove, drive away; प्रमदया मदयापितलज्जया (pramadayā madayāpitalajjayā) R.9.31.

3) To spend, pass (time); तावत् कोकिल विरसान् यापय दिवसान् (tāvat kokila virasān yāpaya divasān) Bv.1.7; Meghadūta 91.

4) To live or spend time with; विनयादिव यापयन्ति ते धृतराष्ट्रात्मजमात्मसिद्धये (vinayādiva yāpayanti te dhṛtarāṣṭrātmajamātmasiddhaye) Kirātārjunīya 2.45.

5) To support, nourish.

6) To give sendoff; स्नेहप्रक्लिन्नहृदयो यापयामास कोशलः (snehapraklinnahṛdayo yāpayāmāsa kośalaḥ) Bhāgavata 1.58.52. -Desid. (yiyāsati) To wish to go, to be about to go &c. -With अति (ati)

1) to go beyond, transgress, violate.

2) to surpass.

-adhi to go away or forth; escape; कुतोऽ धियास्यसि क्रूर निहतस्तेन पत्रिभिः (kuto' dhiyāsyasi krūra nihatastena patribhiḥ) Bhaṭṭikāvya 8.9.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Ya (य).—The twenty-six consonant of the Nagari alphabet, or semi-vowel Y; in Bengal, it is usually pronounced J.

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Ya (य).—mfn.

(-yaḥ-yā-yaṃ) Who goes, a goer, a mover. m.

(-yaḥ) 1. Air, wind. 2. Union, Joining. 3. Fame, celebrity. 4. Barley. 5. Light, lustre. 6. Abandoning. 7. Yama. f.

(-yā) 1. Pudendum mulibre. 2. Going, proceeding. 3. A car, a carriage. 4. Prohibiting, restraining, checking. 5. Religious meditation. 6. Getting, obtaining. E. yaj to worship, or yam to check, &c., aff. ḍa; or yā-ḍa .

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Yā (या).—r. 2nd cl. (yāti) 1. To go, to go to. 2. To obtain, to get. 3. To invade. 4. To withdraw. 5. To elapse, (as time.) 6. To come to pass, to become. 7. To have carnal intercourse with. 8. To request. 9. To attempt. 10. To discover. With anu, prefixed, To follow. With abhi, To approach. to reach. With āṅ, To come, to arrive. With upa, To give way, to yield. With nir, 1. To go out or forth. 2. To go readily or quickly. With pra, To go to. With prati, To go to or towards. With prati and ut, To meet, to advance to. With mam and abhi, To approach. With sam and āṅ, To arrive. With ati, 1. To transgress. 2. To surpass.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Yā (या).— (akin to i), ii. 2, [Parasmaipada.] (in epic poetry also [Ātmanepada.], [Rāmāyaṇa] 1, 33. 6). 1. To go, [Rāmāyaṇa] 2. 72, 27; imperat. yātu, Let it go, enough, [Hitopadeśa] 77, 9, M.M.; no matter, [Hitopadeśa] 128, 2. 2. To go to (with acc.), Mahābhārata 3, 2828; (with dat.), [Hitopadeśa] i. [distich] 153; (with two acc.), [Rāmāyaṇa] 3, 55, 48 (sarvāṇi śaranaṃ yāmi, All those I approach, or I implore, for help). 3. To undergo, to obtain, to get, especially with abstract nouns; e. g. kṣayam, To perish, Mahābhārata 3, 8840; reṇu-padavīm, To become dust, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. Bollensen.)] [distich] 4; saṃparkam, To be united, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. Bollensen.)] [distich] 13; prasādam, To become propitious, inclined to somebody, [Pañcatantra] 67, 8; dveṣyatām, To grow odious, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 317; vilayam, To be dissolved, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 425. 4. To pass away, [Pañcatantra] iii. [distich] 97; [Bhaṭṭikāvya, (ed. Calc.)] 7, 89. Ptcple. of the pf. pass. yāta. 1. Gone, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. Bollensen.)] [distich] 72; went. 2. Escaped, [Hitopadeśa] ii. [distich] 144. 3. Obtained, got. n. Driving an elephant with a goad. Desider yiyāsa, To desire to go, Mahābhārata 3, 47. [Causal.] yāpaya, 1. To remove, [Raghuvaṃśa, (ed. Stenzler.)] 9, 27. 2. To pass away (time), [Pañcatantra] 183, 24. 3. To induce, [Daśakumāracarita] in Chr. 194, 4 (with dat. in the sense of an infin. ‘Induced to abandon’).

— With the prep. ati ati, To pass, [Rāmāyaṇa] 2, 49, a.

— With samati sam-ati, To pass away, [Rāmāyaṇa] 1, 19, 1.

— With adhi adhi, To escape, [Bhaṭṭikāvya, (ed. Calc.)] 8, 90.

— With anu anu, 1. To follow, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 8, 17. 2. To cut in succession, Mahābhārata 4, 1727. anuyāta, 1. Followed, accompanied, [Daśakumāracarita] in Chr. 190, 15. 2. Practised.

— With samanu To follow, Mahābhārata 2, 1608.

— With apa apa, 1. To go away, [Hitopadeśa] iv. [distich] 81; Mahābhārata 3, 15214; Chr. 57, 31 (I propose to read purān, i. e. purāt). 2. To run away, [Draupadīpramātha] 8, 35. apayāta, Fallen from, Chr. 35, 3.

— With vyapa vi-apa, 1. To go away, Mahābhārata 3, 789. 2. To desist from (abl.), Chr. 42, 13. 3. To pass away, [Rāmāyaṇa] 2, 49, 2.

— With abhi abhi, To go near (acc.), [Rāmāyaṇa] 1, 25, 10. abhiyāta, Approaching, [Indralokāgamana] 2, 8.

— With samabhi sam-abhi, To go near at the same time, Mahābhārata 1, 1338.

— With ā ā, 1. To approach, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. Bollensen.)] [distich] 121, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 213. 2. To come, [Pañcatantra] iii. [distich] 97; [Rājataraṅgiṇī] 5, 31. 3. With and without punar, To return, [Rāmāyaṇa] 1, 1, 75; Chr. 5, 23. 4. To attain, [Lassen, Anthologia Sanskritica.] 21, 2. 5. To undergo, to obtain, [Rājataraṅgiṇī] 5, 376; with kṣayam, To be ruined, [Pañcatantra] v. [distich] 52; with saṃkocam, To be diminished, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 105; with hetutām, To become the cause, [Hitopadeśa] i. [distich] 29, M.M.; with toṣam, To be satisfied, [Hitopadeśa] ii. [distich] 149. āyāta, Come. n. Excess, [Kirātārjunīya] 5, 23. Comp. Krama-, adj. descended from a succession, i. e. a long line of princes, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 83.

— With abhyā abhi-ā, To approach, Mahābhārata 3, 246.

— With upā upa-ā, 1. To approach, Mahābhārata 3, 738. 2. To undergo, to obtain, [Rājataraṅgiṇī] 5, 126. upāyāta, n. Arrival, [Draupadīpramātha] 4, 24.

— With samupā sam-upa-ā, To approach, Mahābhārata 4, 280.

— With pratyā prati-ā, To go towards, Mahābhārata 4, 1698.

— With samā sam-ā, 1. To meet with, [Pañcatantra] 46, 6; 245, 2 (dvau panthānau samāyātau, They came to two roads). 2. To approach, [Pañcatantra] 23, 10; Chr. 34, 6. 3. To obtain, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 104. 4. To come, [Hitopadeśa] pr. 83, 2; to arrive, [Hitopadeśa] 29, 6, M.M.

— With ud ud, To rise, [Gītagovinda. ed. Lassen.] 4, 19.

— With pratyud prati-ud, To go to meet (a guest), [Rāmāyaṇa] 1, 20, 8. pratyudyāta, Saluted, welcomed, [Meghadūta, (ed. Gildemeister.)] 23.

— With upa upa, 1. To go to (acc.), [Rāmāyaṇa] 2, 50, 15. 2. To approach, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 44; [Raghuvaṃśa, (ed. Stenzler.)] 9, 24 (Calc.). 3. To undergo, to obtain, [Mānavadharmaśāstra] 12, 69; with prītim, To grow agreeable, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 317. 4. To befall, [Pañcatantra] iii. [distich] 244.

— With opa ā-upa, To come near to (acc.), [Lassen, Anthologia Sanskritica.] 102, 11 = [Rigveda.] vii. 14, 3.

— With upopa upa-upa, To approach gradually, Mahābhārata 3, 12358.

— With pratyupa prati-upa, To return, Mahābhārata 1, 8393.

— With samupa sam-upa, To go, Mahābhārata 3, 1912.

— With praṇi pra-ni, To proceed, [Bhaṭṭikāvya, (ed. Calc.)] 9, 100.

— With nis nis, To go out, or out of (abl.), [Rāmāyaṇa] 2, 76, 19.

— With abhinis abhi-nis, To go out, to depart, [Rājataraṅgiṇī] 5, 218.

— With pari pari, 1. To go round, to circumambulate (as a token of respect), Mahābhārata 1, 7205. 2. To proteet, Chr. 297, 13 (corr. yāthaḥ) = [Rigveda.] i. 112, 13.

— With pra pra, 1. To go forth, [Hitopadeśa] 84, 7 (kaḥ pra yāṭa, Who shall go forth?); to proceed, Mahābhārata 3, 2848. 2. To proceed to (acc.), Mahābhārata 3, 240. 3. To rise to (acc.) [Bhartṛhari, (ed. Bohlen.)] 2, 91. 4. To attain, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 186; to obtain, [Pañcatantra] iii. [distich] 262; with asādhyatām (i. e. a-sādh + ya + tā), To become unconquerable, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 245; with parābhavam, To be spoiled, [Pañcatantra] i. [distich] 424. 5. To proceed from, [Rājataraṅgiṇī] 5, 3745 6. To depart, [Hitopadeśa] i. [distich] 189, M.M.; [Daśakumāracarita] iii. Chr. 187, 15. 7. To pass away, [Kathāsaritsāgara, (ed. Brockhaus.)] 4, 23. Comp. ptcple. pres. a-prayānt, adj. Not able to move away, Chr. 31, 16. prayāta, 1. Gone away. 2. Gone. 3. Deceased. m. 1. A lazy fellow. 2. A name of Bhṛgu. Desider. To desire to proceed, [Bhaṭṭikāvya, (ed. Calc.)] 3, 25. [Causal.] prayāpita, Driven away.

— With abhipra abhi-pra, To assail, Mahābhārata 4, 1381.

— With pratipra prati-pra, To return, Mahābhārata 3, 10287.

— With saṃpra sam-pra, 1. To proceed together, Mahābhārata 1, 4645. 2. To depart to (acc.), Mahābhārata 3, 15082.

— With prati prati, To return, [Rāmāyaṇa] 1, 66, 6.

— With vi vi, 1. To pervade (the heavens), and come, Chr. 287, 7 = [Rigveda.] i. 48, 7. 2. To pierce, to destroy, Chr. 292, 10 = [Rigveda.] i. 86, 10. viyāta, Ill-behaved, impudent.

— With sam sam, 1. To enter, Mahābhārata 3, 6013. 2. To come, [Lassen, Anthologia Sanskritica.] 34, 4.

— With anusam anu-sam, 1. To visit in succession, or one by one, Mahābhārata 3, 10094. 2. To follow, [Rāmāyaṇa] 2, 79, 13.

— Cf. perhaps some forms of i; e. g. [Latin] Janus, janua.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Ya (य).—[pronoun] rel. ([neuter] yad q.v.) who, which; if anybody (mostly [with] [optative]). Repeated or connected with ta (q.v.) or kaśca, kaścana, kaścid, kopi whoever, whichever, whatever, any. yogam, yastvam I who, thou who etc.

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Yā (या).—1. yāti (yāte) [participle] yāta (—° mostly [with] act. mg) go, travel, march, set out, depart, fly, escape, pass, vanish, perish; go off, speed, succeed; proceed, act, behave; go to ([accusative], [locative], or [dative]), reach, attain to a condition ([accusative] of an [abstract], cf. gam), go to a woman, have sexual intercourse with ([accusative]), approach with a request, ask for (2 [accusative]); make out, learn, understand. With ākhyām be called ([nominative] + iti), [with] khaṇḍaśas or dalaśas fall to pieces, [with] śatadhā fall into a hundred pieces; kva tadyātam how is it with it? yātu let it go, no matter. [Causative] yāpayati make or bid go (to *[accusative]), dismiss, send out, drive away, pass, spend. [Desiderative] yiyāsati wish or be about to go etc.

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Yā (या).—2. going (—°).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

1) Ya (य):—1. ya the 1st semivowel (corresponding to the vowels i and ī, and having the sound of the English y, in Bengal usually pronounced j).

2) 2. ya m. (in prosody) a bacchic (˘ ¯ ¯), [Piṅgala Scholiast, i.e. halāyudha]

3) 3. ya the actual base of the relative pronoun in declension (cf. yad and [Greek] ὅς, ἥ, ).

4) 4. ya m. (in some senses [from] √1. , only, [cf. Lexicographers, esp. such as amarasiṃha, halāyudha, hemacandra, etc.]) a goer or mover

5) wind

6) joining

7) restraining

8) fame

9) a carriage (?)

10) barley

11) light

12) abandoning

13) Yā (या):—[from ya] a f. going, a car

14) [v.s. ...] restraining, religious meditation

15) [v.s. ...] attaining

16) [v.s. ...] pudendum muliebre

17) [v.s. ...] Name of Lakṣmī.

18) 1. (collateral form of √5. i) [class] 2. [Parasmaipada] ([Dhātupāṭha xxiv, 41]) yāti (1. [plural] yāmahe, [Mahābhārata]; [imperfect tense] 3. [plural] ayuḥ, [Brāhmaṇa]; ayān, [Pāṇini 3-4, 111] [Scholiast or Commentator]; [perfect tense] yayau, yayātha, yaya, yayuḥ, [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc.; yaye, [Kāvya literature]; [Aorist] ayāsam or ayāsiṣam; [subjunctive] yāsat, yeṣam, yāsiṣat, [Ṛg-veda; Brāhmaṇa]; Prec. yāsiṣīṣṭhās, [Brāhmaṇa]; [future] yātā, [Mahābhārata] etc.; yāsyati, [Atharva-veda]; te, [Mahābhārata]; [infinitive mood] yātum, [Mahābhārata] etc.; [Vedic or Veda] [infinitive mood] yai, yātave or vai; [indeclinable participle] yātvā, [Brāhmaṇa etc.]; -yāya, -yāyam, [ib.]),

—to go, proceed, move, walk, set out, march, advance, travel, journey (often with [instrumental case] or [accusative] of the way, [especially] with gatim, mārgam, adhvānam, panthānam, padavīm, yātrām), [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc.;

—to go away, withdraw, retire, [Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc.;

— (also with palāyya) to flee, escape, [Rāmāyaṇa; Kathāsaritsāgara] (with kṣemeṇa or svasti, to escape unscathed, [Pañcatantra; Bhāgavata-purāṇa]);

—to go towards or against, go or come to, enter, approach, arrive at, reach, [Ṛg-veda] etc. etc. (with [accusative] often followed by prati e.g. with gṛham, to enter a house; with ripum prati, to march against the enemy; with mṛgayām, to go out hunting; with śirasāmahīm, to bow down to the ground with the head; with prakṛtim, to return to one’s natural state; with karṇau, to come to the ears, be heard; with utsavād utsavam, to go from one festival to another; with hastam ifc., to fall into the hands of; with patham or gocaram ifc., to come within range of; [especially] with the [accusative] of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition, become, be e.g. vināśaṃ yāti, he goes to destruction id est. he is destroyed; kāṭhinyaṃ yāti, it becomes hard; dveṣyatāṃ yāti, he becomes hated; similarly nidhanaṃ-√yā, to die; nidrāṃ-√yā, to fall asleep; udayaṃ-√yā, to rise, said of stars etc.; sometimes also with [locative case] e.g. yāhi rājñah sakāśe, go into the presence of the king, [Rāmāyaṇa]; or even with [dative case] e.g. yayatuḥ sva-niveśāya, both went home, [Kathāsaritsāgara] ; na cātmane kṛpaṇasya dhanaṃ yāti, nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself, [Hitopadeśa]; phalebhyo yāti, he goes to [fetch] fruits, [Pāṇini 2-3, 14] [Scholiast or Commentator]);

—to go to for any request, implore, solicit (with two [accusative]), [Ṛg-veda];

— (with striyam) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse, [Mahābhārata];

—to go to for any purpose ([infinitive mood]), [Bhaṭṭi-kāvya; Vopadeva];

— often with adverbs e.g. with bahir, to go out, [Kathāsaritsāgara];

— with adho, to go down, sink, [Bhāgavata-purāṇa];

— with khaṇḍaśo or dalaśo, to fall to pieces, [Kathāsaritsāgara];

— with śata-dhā, to fall into a hundred pieces, [ib.];

—to extend to ([accusative]), [Varāha-mihira’s Bṛhat-saṃhitā];

—to last for ([accusative]), [Hitopadeśa];

—to pass away, elapse (said of time), [Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc.;

—to vanish, disappear (as wealth), [Mṛcchakaṭikā];

—to come to pass, prosper, succeed, [Bhāgavata-purāṇa];

—to proceed, behave, act, [Mahābhārata];

—to find out, discover, [Mahābhārata];

—to receive or learn (a science) from ([ablative]), [Bhāgavata-purāṇa];

—to undertake, undergo ([accusative]), [Ṛg-veda];—[imperative] yātu, be it as it may, [Hitopadeśa] :

—[Passive voice] yāyate, to be gone or moved, [Mahābhārata] :—[Causal] yāpayati ([Aorist] ayīyapat), to cause to depart, cause to go or march, dismiss, [Kāvya literature; Bhāgavata-purāṇa];

—to cause to go towards ([accusative]), [Pāṇini 1-4, 32 [Scholiast or Commentator]] (cf. yāpita);

—to direct (the gaze) towards ([locative case]), [Bhartṛhari] ([varia lectio] pātayati);

—to drive away remove, cure (a disease), [Suśruta];

—to cause to pass or elapse, pass or spend (time), [Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc.;

—to live (Pāli yāpeti), [Divyāvadāna];

—to cause to subsist, support, maintain, [Divyāvadāna];

—to induce, [Monier-Williams’ Sanskrit-English Dictionary] :—[Desiderative] yiyāsati, to intend or be about to go, desire to proceed, [Mahābhārata; Kāvya literature] etc.:—[Intensive] īyāyate (?), to move, [Praśna-upaniṣad];—yāyayate, yāyeti, yāyāti [grammar]

19) 2. (ifc.) going, moving (See ṛṇa-eva-, tura-, deva-yā).

20) 3. f. of 3. ya q.v.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Yates Sanskrit-English Dictionary

1) Ya (य):—y The twenty sixth consonant, and first of the semivowels.

2) [(yaḥ-yā-yaṃ) a.] Going. m. Air; union; fame; light; barley; Yama. f. Pudendum; going; checking; a car; meditation; getting.

3) Yā (या):—(la) yāti 2. a. To go, to get. With anu to follow; abhi to approach; ā to come; upa to give way; nir to go forth; pra to go to; prati to go toward; prati and ut to go to meet; saṃ and abhi to approach; saṃ and ā to arrive at.

[Sanskrit to German]

Ya in German

context information

Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

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Hindi dictionary

Source: DDSA: A practical Hindi-English dictionary

1) Ya (य) [Also spelled y]:—first of the [ya, ra, la, va] series of the Devnagri: alphabet, traditionally called [aṃta:stha] (semivowels). Modern Phoneticians, however, regard only [ya] and [va] as semi-vowels.

2) Yā (या):—(conj) or, either;—[ilāhī/khudā] Oh God!; My God!;—[kismata] what a luck/lot !

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Kannada-English dictionary

Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpus

Ya (ಯ):—

1) [noun] (gen. pronounced with the vowel 'ಅ') the fortieth letter of Kannaḍa alphabet and the twenty sixth consonant.

2) [noun] (pros.) a metre having one short syllable followed by two long syllables (u—).

3) [noun] (math.) a symbol for the number one.

--- OR ---

Yā (ಯಾ):—[pronoun] what one (or ones) of the number of persons, things or events mentioned or implied.

--- OR ---

Yā (ಯಾ):—[conjunction] introducing the second of two possibilities or any of the possibilities in a series; or.

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Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.

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Tamil dictionary

Source: DDSA: University of Madras: Tamil Lexicon

Ya (ய) . The compound of ய் [y] and அ. [a.]

--- OR ---

Yā (யா) . The compound of ய் [y] and ஆ. [a.]

--- OR ---

Yā (யா) interrogative pron. What or which things; யாவை. பெண்ணிற் பெருந்தக்க யாவுள [yavai. pennir perunthakka yavula] (திருக்குறள் [thirukkural], 54). — particle An expletive; அசைநிலைச் சொல். [asainilais sol.] (தொல். சொல். [thol. sol.] 281.)

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Yā (யா) noun

1. A tree; மரவகை. [maravagai.] (தொல். எழுத். [thol. ezhuth.] 229.) யானை யொடித்துண்டெஞ்சிய யா [yanai yodithundenchiya ya] (குறுந்தொகை [kurundogai] 232).

2. Breadth, width; அகலம். [agalam.] (நாமதீபநிகண்டு [namathipanigandu] 778.)

--- OR ---

Yā (யா) [yāttal] 11 transitive verb

1. To bind, tie; பிணித்தல். யானையால் யானையாத் தற்று [pinithal. yanaiyal yanaiyath tharru] (திருக்குறள் [thirukkural], 678).

2. To dam up; to confine; நீர்முதலியன அணைத்தல். பெருக யாத்தநீர் [nirmuthaliyana anaithal. peruga yathanir] (காஞ்சிப்புராணம் நாட். [kanchippuranam nad.] 75).

3. To be inseparable from; விட்டுநீங்காதிருத்தல். மற்றவனை யாக்குமவர் யாக்கு மணைந்து [vittuningathiruthal. marravanai yakkumavar yakku manainthu] (ஏலாதி [elathi] 8).

4. To compose, as a poem; செய்யுள் முதலியன அமைத்தல். மொழிபெயர்த் ததர்ப்பட யாத்தல் [seyyul muthaliyana amaithal. mozhipeyarth thatharppada yathal] (தொல். பொ. [thol. po.] 652).

5. To tell, utter; சொல்லுதல். சூதசங்கிதை் திரத்தியல்பென யாத்தனர் புலவர் [solluthal. suth thirathiyalpena yathanar pulavar] (தொல். பொ. [thol. po.] 655).

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Tamil is an ancient language of India from the Dravidian family spoken by roughly 250 million people mainly in southern India and Sri Lanka.

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Nepali dictionary

Source: unoes: Nepali-English Dictionary

1) Ya (य):—n. the twenty-sixth consonant of the Devanagari syllabary; the sound /y/; the common phonetic symbols are /ya/, /yǝ/, /jɐ/, etc., and the adopted one for य [ya ] in this dictionary is /yə/ and /ya/;

2) Ya (य):—n. 1. fame; 2. union; 3. carriage; 4. control; 5. short form of 'यगण [yagaṇa] ' in metrics;

3) Yā (या):—conj. 1. or; whether; 2. and;

context information

Nepali is the primary language of the Nepalese people counting almost 20 million native speakers. The country of Nepal is situated in the Himalaya mountain range to the north of India.

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