Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

author: Girish Chand Sharma
edition: 2006, Sagar Publications
pages: 1448
ISBN-13: 8903602403809
Topic: Jyotisha

Chapter 8 - Divisional Consideration

This page describes Divisional Consideration which is the eighth chapter located on page 139 of the fist volume in the English translation of the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by Girish Chand Sharma. This book discusses in detail the various elements of Vedic Astrology (jyotisha) and was written by Maharishi Parashara. This page contains an online preview of the full text and summarizes technical terms, as well as information if you want to buy this book.

Summary of contents: Use of the 16 divisions, Hora, Decanate and Trimsamsa effects, Vimsopaka strength, Vimsopka proportional evalution, other sources of strength, Dasa effects with Vimsopaka strength, names of bhavas, indications from houses etc.

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