Prasthanatrayi Swaminarayan Bhashyam (Study)
by Sadhu Gyanananddas | 2021 | 123,778 words
Summary: This represents an analytical study of the Prasthanatrayi Swaminarayan Bhashyam in Light of Swaminarayan Vachanamrut (Vacanamrita). Svami-Narayana incarnated in the village Chapiya (Uttara Pradesdh) on 3 April 1781. His teachings were based on the ancient Indian scriptures and were compiled in a form known as the Vacanamrita. His novel contributions to Vedanta philosophy revolve around the five ontological entities: Jiva, Ishvara, Maya, Aksharabrahman, and Parabrahman. Roughly 200 years later, Bhadreshdas composed a commentary (Bhasya) correlating the principles of Vachanamrut.
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