Swaskas Chintamani Ras (With Gold & Pearl)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Source: exoticindiaart.com

Detailled product description:

Ayurvedic Medicine
Bhaishajya Ratnavali/ Hikkasajya Chikitsa prakaran
Net Contents: Tablets 10 N Each Tan (125 mg) contains:
Lauha Bhasam 43.47 mg, Kajjali (Dviguna) 32.59 mg, Abhrak Bhasma 21.73 mg,
Makshika Bhasma, Swarna Bhasma each 10.86 mg, Mukta Bhasma 5.43 mg. It gives to the lungs and helpful in all types of
respiratory diseases and asthma by eliminating accumulated phlegm from
lungs. It is beneficial in respiration & chronic Cough. 1 to 2 Tables to be taken twice a day or as directed by
the Physician. To be taken under Medical Supervision only.Light Digestable and nutrient foods. Red Chillies, Curd, Tamarind, Cold and Fried Substances.
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