Deva Keralam (English translation)

author: R. Santhanam
edition: 2004, Sagar Publications
pages: 884
ISBN-10: 8170821622
ISBN-13: 9788170821625
Topic: Jyotisha

Marriage, music, royal service, father

This chapter describes Marriage, music, royal service, father in the book Deva Keralam (English translation) translated by R. Santhanam from the original Sanskrit text containing over 8,000 Sanskrit verses. This book deals with a number of predictions about an individual within Hindu Astrology (Jyotish). The text is classified as a Nadi work which deals with locating birth Nadiamsas—a technique from Nadi Shastra (horary astrology) which is capable of giving details regarding one’s birth.

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[Deva Keralam (English translation): index]
[Volume 1 - Preface and Introduction]
[Volume 2 - Preface]
[Volume 3 - Preface]

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