Chaitanya Mangala
100,055 words
This page relates Song 12 of the Balya-lila of the Adi-khanda of the Chaitanya Mangala by Locana Dasa Thakura (1520 A.D.) translated into English. This book contains songs narrating the activities (pastimes) of Lord Chaitanya and represents a Sanskrit biography written as a narrative poem which can be sung in various ragas.
Song 12
(Sindhuḍā rāga)
Refrain: A moon with no dark spots has risen in Nadīyā.
422. Now I will describe a conversation of Murārī Gupta and Dāmodara Paṇḍita.
423. Dāmodara Paṇḍita asked Murārī Gupta: I would like to ask one question I have long considered in my heart.
424. Dear Murārī Gupta, this question I ask you: How did the Lord’s brother, Viśvarūpa, leave home and accept sannyāsa?
425. This question I respectfully ask about His qualities and pastimes." With a happy heart Murārī Gupta replied:
426. Please listen. Listen, O Dāmodara, O best of the paṇḍitas, and I will tell whatever I know.
427. Viśvarūpa was Lord Viśvambhara’s elder brother. He was the abode of transcendental virtues. How can I describe all His virtues and pastimes?
428. In a short time He became learned in all the scriptures. He was devoted to duty and detached from matter.
429. He was happy at heart. He was devoted to His spiritual master, the Supreme Lord, and the brāhmaṇas. He very affectionately served His mother and father.
430. He understood the conclusion of Vedānta. He knew the secret heart of all duties. He knew that no pious deed is separate from devotional service to Lord Viṣṇu.
431. He was loved by everyone. He was very perfect. In his heart lived renunciation, spiritual knowledge, spiritual faith, and true intelligence.
432. One day as, a book in his left hand, he conversed with a fellow student as they walked on the royal path, Jagannātha Miśra noticed Him.
433. Jagannātha Miśra thought: "My son is 16 years old. Now, in the prime of his youth, he should be married."
434. Father Jagannātha Miśra thought in his heart: "I should consider what girl will be suitable for Viśvarūpa."
435. Thinking and thinking, the brāhmaṇa Jagannātha Miśra returned to his home. In his heart he was thinking of Viśvarūpa’s marriage.
436. At that moment the brāhmaṇa Viśvarūpa also returned home. His father was surprised to see Him. Viśvarūpa knew what was in His father’s heart.
437. Glancing at him, the great brāhmaṇa Viśvarūpa knew what His surprised father was planning.
438. In His heart Visvarupa thought: "He is thinking how to arrange My marriage.
439. "It is not right for Me to marry. But if I don’t marry, mother will be very unhappy."
440. As He thought of all this, night turned to sunrise. Then, a book in His left hand, He left home.
441. Saintly Viśvarūpa crossed the Gaṅgā and accepted sannyāsa.