Deva Keralam (English translation)

author: R. Santhanam
edition: 2004, Sagar Publications
pages: 884
language: English
ISBN-10: 8170821622
ISBN-13: 9788170821625
Topic: Jyotisha

Summary: The English translation of the Deva Keralam (Chandra Kala Nadi), which deals with a number of predictions about an individual within Hindu Astrology (Jyotish). The original book contains almost 10,000 Sanskrit verses. The text is classified as a Nadi work which deals with locating birth Nadiamsas—a technique from Nadi Shastra (horary astrology) which is capable of giving details regarding one’s birth.

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Some have heard the name of this work, Deva Keralam. Some have seen the Sanskrit manuscript. Yet, almost every student of astrology has been keen to possess an English translation of this work since decades. And, now, here is an occasion for all of us to actually enjoy the instructions of Achyuta, the author of Deva Keralam. The name itself suggests that the work belongs to Kerala, in the south of India, which is a treasure-house of original astrological manuscripts like Jatakadesa Marga, Krishneeyam and Prasna Marga. Each work from Kerala is a magnum opus, unto itself.

Available pages:

[Volume 1 - Preface and Introduction]
[Volume 2 - Preface]
[Volume 3 - Preface]

Contents of this online book (index):

The full text of the Deva Keralam (English translation) in English can be quickly summarized in the following table of contents. Becaue these pages are not available to read online, I would recommend you buy the book.

Vasudha Nadiamsa, Matanga Yoga [link]
Durbhaga Nadiamsa, Srikara Nadiamsa, Father [link]
Dasa Effects, Kalakuta Nadi-amsa, Malini Amsa [link]
Jupiter in Kalakuta Nadiamsa, dasa of 10th lord, Malini Nadiamsa, Mother [link]
Rajayoga interruption, Moon’s Dasa, Another wile, evils to wife, Remarriage [link]
5th Dasa, Co-bom, Cancer Lagna [link]
Aries 1-agna with Cancer Navamsa, death, children, Abala Nadiamsa first half [link]
Mars in immovable Lagna, Abala Nadi-amsa, Prosperity [link]
Taurus Lagna with Aries Navamsa, Sun in 11th, children [link]
Childhood, sister, co-born, mother, death, 3rd Dasa [link]
Sixth Lord, Fourth Dasa, Jupiter in Scorpio with Virgo Navamsa [link]
Jupiter in Viswambhara Nadiamsa, Jupiter in Scorpio with Virgo Navamsa, Rahu in Lagna [link]
Jupiter in Viswambhara Nadiamsa, birth in Agada Nadiamsa, step-mother [link]
Half-brother, father, Sun and Jupiter in Manjuswana Nadi-amsa, Father’s death [link]
Mother, Chandra Nadi quoted, Moon in Kutila Nadiamsa [link]
Half-sister, second dasa, first 2 years, Agada Nadiamsa, 11th lord [link]
7th lord, Sun without beneficial aspect, 9th lord in 4th house [link]
Moon in 2nd house, Saturn’s transit [link]
First dasa, danger to wife, Mars in 5th, Moon’s sub period [link]
Mars’ sub period, 4th dasa, Varuna Nadiamsa, Retrograde Jupiter [link]
Escaping death, 5th year, Co-born, A specific horoscope [link]
Father, happiness, Father’s prosperity ob-structed [link]
Venus in Pisces, fame, learning, Rajayoga, marriage, Bride, obstacle to marriage [link]
Mangala Nadi-amsa, Mars, maternal uncle, maternal grand-father [link]
Other relatives, Sagittarius Lagna—Prabha Nadiamsa, first and second halves [link]
Father, his prosperity, native’s fortune [link]
Obstacles, illness [link]
3rd dasa, pilgrimage, Rahu in 10th, dasa effects, Varuna Nadiamsa, Jupiter in Lagna [link]
Wide rulership, Sun in Scorpio, Sr, Garga quoted, Limited progeny, dead children [link]
Loss of fortunes, royal service and association [link]
9th lord’s Navamsa, 8th lord, other sub periods, trouble to spouse, mother, parents [link]
Danger to father, 8th lord’s dasa, children, Sun in 10th [link]
Royal displeasure, dasa effects, Kala Chakra dasa junctions [link]
Dcha or Jccva Rasi, Physical troubles, untimely death nullified, 4th dasa [link]
3rd dasa, dasa of Navamsa dispositor of 9th lord, auspicious effects, 2nd dasa [link]
Malefic dasa, Saturn in Aquarius, 5th lord’s dasa, 8th lord [link]
Prosperity, Rahu-Sun in Aquarius [link]
Sun in Kumara Nadiamsa, Cancer Lagna—Uraga Nadi-amsa [link]
Umbilical cord, other effects, father, elder brother, Moon-Rahu [link]
Rahu in 10th, Moon’s navamsa lor, Moon-Jupiter, Family, wealth [link]
Parents, grand-father, maternal relatives, evils, prosperity, marriage [link]
Marriage, mother’s death, spous, Mercury’s dispositor, children [link]
Jupiter in 6th, danger to father, Saturn’s transi, relatives [link]
Exit, Durdhara Nadiamsa [link]
Mohana Nadiamsa, Mars, Jupiter, Jupiter in Pisces, Sudha Nadiamsa [link]
Relatives, Jupiter in aspect to Saturn [link]
Lord of Lagna, Saturn in Virgo [link]
Maternal relatives, lord of 11th, 3rd dasa, Saturn’s transit [link]
Mercury in 9th, paternal uncle, Venus in 11th lord’s Navamsa [link]
12th hous, Daridra Malika Yoga [link]
4thand5thdasas,Rahuin 10th, Saturn in 8th, 4th dasa, wealth [link]
Danger to mother, children, malefic transi, Manu quoted [link]
Venus in 11th and Jupiter in 2/10/4th, Sani Nadi quoted, Capricorn Lagna—Sachira Nadi-amsa [link]
Capricorn Lagna—Sachira Nadiamsa [link]
Relatives, maternal grand-father, maternal uncles [link]
Paternal grand-father, Venus in Capricorn, CO-bom, lords of 9th and 10th [link]
6th lord, brother-in-la, Saturn in Capricorn [link]
Saturn in Aquarius with Libra Navamsa, evils, Saturn’s transit and 11th lord’s Navamsa [link]
Father’s death, danger to mother, fortunes, old age [link]
4th dasa, sub periods of Jupiter and Mars, Rahu in 9th [link]
Deat, Rahu’s transit in Deha Rasi [link]
Pisces Lagna—Kunda Nadiamsa, Mercury aspected by Jupiter [link]
7th lord, Mercury in Kunda Nadiamsa, Kesari yoga [link]
Maternal relatives, Saturn’s transit [link]
Sun-Mercury conjunction, Rahu’s Navams, Fortunes, Moon’s Navamsa [link]
Marriage, danger to fathe, Mercury in Kunda Nadi-amsa, Sun in Harina Nadiamsa [link]
Rahu dasa, 4th dasa, Venus dasa, Moon in Virg, Mercury in Mukunda Nadiamsa, wives [link]
Danger to wife, Mercury-Jupitcr, 10th lord, Jupiter in Pisces Lagna [link]
Dhanada Nadiamsa, Virgo Lagna, father, 5th lord [link]
Lagna lord, Jupiter’s transit, Saturn-Mars [link]
2nd das, Mercury in Sura Nadi-amsa, Venusian Navams, Mercury in 2nd [link]
Mercury in 2nd, Sun in Virgo, 8th lord, father, Lagna Rasi dasa [link]
Saturn’s transit, 8th lord, Jupiter-Rahu, 11th Rasi Dasa, 10th Rasi dasa, danger to father [link]
Auspicious and inauspicious events, 5th Rasi dasa, Dhanada Nadiamsa [link]
Saturn—Sun, Lakshmi Yoga, Danger to mother, Scorpio or Aries navamsa [link]
Mars, 3rd lord, 11th lord, 2 planets exalted, wife, brother-in-law [link]
Sister-in-law, Saturn in Leo navamsa, evils, Ketu with Mars, maternal relatives [link]
Marriage, 5th lord, Sun in Aries, Rahu in Dhanu, 6th Rasi dasa [link]
Saturn/Rahu transit, Dasa of Leo Rasi, Dasa of 8th Rasi,Rahu in 10th [link]
Street of birth, emaciated body, infantile mortality [link]
Mars in 9th, Nirmala Nadiamsa—Libra Lagna [link]
Saturn in 5th, Saturn in Libra [link]
Saturn with Mercury, Jupiter’s aspect, Mercury with Venus and Saturn in 11th [link]
Nirmala Nadiamsa 2nd half, Saturn in Leo, brothers, sisters [link]
Lord of 3rd, mother, 3rd dasa [link]
Sakata Yoga, Jupiter in 7th [link]
Moon in debilit, Moon with Rahu, Lagna lord’s dasa [link]
Indra Yoga [link]
12th lord with Venus, Venus and Arudha, weak body, foolishness [link]
Vishnu Yog, Avastha Yoga [link]
Cancer Lagna with Scorpio Navamsa, many daughters, excessive limbs [link]
Libra Lagna—Kutila Nadi-amsa, Naraka Yoga, final rites, Libra Lagna—Indra Yoga [link]
Moon in Scorpio with Rah, Indra Yoga continued [link]
Mars in 9th, 9th lord’s dispositor, destruction of blemishes [link]
Eye disorders, fortunes, Saturn in Leo, dasa results [link]
Saturn in 8th, malefic transits, other results [link]
Destruction of wealth, other effects, 2nd dasa, wealth, Bencfic in 11th [link]
Rahu in Vargottama, Rahu without Vargot-tama, other dasa effects, evils to co-born [link]
2nd lord’s dasa, Seethala Nadiamsa, Saturn—Venus conjunction, Jupiter—Saturn [link]
Saturn—Venus, Saturn—ketu, Venus—Kctu [link]
Saturn in 5th, Venus in 5th, 2nd dasa, paternal happiness [link]
Father, relatives, Saturn in Seethala or Maha-mari Nadiamsa [link]
Saturn—Mars, first dasa, other effects [link]
Evil Rasis, other effects, Rahu dasa [link]
4th dasa, Rahu dasa, 10th lord’s dasa, Raja Yoga, danger to wife [link]
Half-brother, 10th lord’s dasa, dasa effects [link]
57/48th year, 12th lord, Saturn with an exalted planet, Saturn in Aries—Kokila Nadiamsa [link]
Moon in Sagittarius, Sarva nadi quoted, Saturn in Aries, birth in Sagittarius Lagna [link]
Sagittarius Lagna—Sun in Scorpio, devotion to Lords Vishnu and Siva [link]
Aquarius Lagna—Guha (Dhruva) Nadi-amsa [link]
Guha Nadiamsa, Jupiter and 9th lord [link]
9th lord, dasa results, infantile mortality, cancellation, short life [link]
Senior Vasishta quoted, Balarishta [link]
Garga quoted, wealth, poverty, Aquarius Lagna—Mars in 11th [link]
Sinfulness, knowledge, fortunes, uncles [link]
Father, ninth lord [link]
Many wives, Raja Yoga, Co-bom, 3rd dasa, relatives, maternal uncle [link]
Other matters, maternal family, family death [link]
Transits, miscellaneous, diseases etc., Dhruva Nadiamsa [link]
Guha Nadiamsa, first and second halves, Mars with bcncfics, Mars in 10th [link]
Life-span, physical strength, twins, Balarishta, Capricorn Lagna—Kamha Nadi-amsa [link]
Birth place, Venus Trimsamsa, Co-born, parents [link]
Paternal rites, other effects for father, mother, children, curse, luminaries [link]
Dasa effects, Sagittarius Lagna—Kantha Nadiamsa [link]
Parents, Mudgara Nadiamsa—Sagittarius Lagna, ascetic order [link]
25th year, marriage, children, Rahu dasa [link]
5th lord’s das, Lagna lord, parent, Sun in Aquarius, paternal wealth, other effects [link]
Spous, Amala Yoga, 5th dasa, death, Cancer Lagna—Champaka Nadiamsa, other effects [link]
Co-borns, self, rise in life, mothers death [link]
Other effect, 4th lord in 10th Navamsa, Kahala Yoga [link]
Dead children, remedies, grand-father, sorrow, 4th dasa, father’s prosperity [link]
Venus in6th, Sun-Mars, Upanishadic knowledge [link]
Paralysis, Sun—Mars, Saturn’s transit in Cancer [link]
Champaka Nadi-amsa, Rahu in 4th [link]
Rahu bhukti, Venus bhukti, Rahu dasa, Jupiter dasa [link]
Fortunes and illness, Kalakuta Nadiamsa [link]
Rahu or Sun in Pisces, Sivada Nadiamsa, Venus dasa, Sagittarius Lagna—Kalakuta Nadiamsa [link]
Dhanada Nadi-amsa—Aries Lagna, Mother, Progeny [link]
Vyasa and others quoted, Dhanada Nadiamsa, father, Garga quoted [link]
Rahu dasa, Jupiter’s transit, fourth das, other effects, Saturn in Scorpio [link]
Sama Nadiamsa—first and second halves [link]
Long-living mother, new house, elder brother, Venus and Jupiter, 4th dasa [link]
Child-birth, 9th lord’s dasa, 6th lord’s dasa, deat, Capricorn Lagna—Sundara Nadiamsa [link]
Rahu’s period, Jupiter in 12th from Moon, Periods of luminaries, Jupiter’s transit [link]
Saturn in third, Trailokya Nadi-amsa—lst and 2nd halves [link]
Children, brothers, diseases, wives, service, uncle, Capricorn ascendant—Trailokya Nadiamsa [link]
Parents, uncles, Rahu and 11th lord, Sun and coborn [link]
Father, Mars, Venus [link]
Different school quoted, grand-father, parents [link]
Other effect, Kctu dasa, Venus in 5th [link]
Saturn’s transit, marriage and progeny [link]
Venus in 5th, third dasa, 8th lord [link]
7th lord's das, Mars, 4th dasa [link]
6th dasa, Rahu dasa, death, Ketu in 12th, other sources quoted [link]
Kctu in Libra Navamsa, Saturn aspecting Ketu, Ketu in in 12th [link]
Troubles from flies, Jupiter with 3rd lord and Saturn [link]
Venus in Scorpi, Brahmayamala quote, Ketu in Aquarius, movable Lagna [link]
Saturn in 3rd house, 7th lord, progeny, Pankajamsa [link]
Cancer Lagn, Champaka Nadiamsa [link]
Moon in Indra Nadiamsa, 4th lord in Leo Navamsa, Moon with Mars, Mercury in 8th [link]
Mars in 8th, Mars in exaltation, Chamara Yoga, Kendradi Yoga [link]
Kahala Yog, Jupiter with Mars, Jupiter in debility, enemies, spouse [link]
Taurus Lagna—Seethala Nadi-amsa [link]
Venus, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, 5th hous, Sun, Mother [link]
Jupiter-Sun, Dull-headcdness, single marriage, natal Moon, fortunate family [link]
Obstacles, 4th lord, Saturn’s transit, dasa periods [link]
The luminaries, Nirmala Nadiamsa, Aquarius Lagna [link]
Lunar blemish, parents, coborn, Mercury-Ketu [link]
Leo Navamsa, Vaishnavite, danger to mother, Mars and Venus, dull-headed [link]
Venus' Navamsa, Jupiter, Saturn, Kunoa Nadiamsa in Aquarius Lagna [link]
Mother, father, thread ceremony, wealth etc., medical profession [link]
Female and male issues, eye trouble, dasa periods, Scorpio Lagna—Gada Nadiamsa [link]
After-born, cider cobom, early loss of mother, inauspicious effects [link]
Wealth, 9th lord’s das, Raja Yoga [link]
Mars das, enemies, sub periods of Mars and Mercury [link]
Strength of astcris, Moon’s dasa, charity, death of son [link]
Remedies, Leo Navamsa.Jupitcr aspecting Sagittarius, Ncccha Bhanga Raja Yoga [link]
Lords of 6th and 8th, conjunction of an exalted and debilitated planet [link]
Delayed progen, Ashtaka Varg, Rahu’s period, Scorpio Lagna—Suprabha Nadiamsa [link]
Lord of 9th, Leo Lagna—Champaka Nadi-amsa [link]
Venus, Mars, Saturn, father, conveyances, children [link]
Danger to father, Nirmala Nadiamsa, Champaka Nadiamsa [link]
Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn [link]
Aquarius Lagna—Nirmala Nadi-amsa, single marriage, progeny [link]
Taurus Lagna—Gada Nadiams, Saturn, thread ceremony, early marriage [link]
Children, 4th dasa, sons [link]
Life span, Jupiter in Libra, Gemini Lagna—Agada Nadiamsa [link]
Jupiter in 5th, 3rd dasa, Moon, two marriages [link]
4th das, Sura Nadiams, Mercury in Jarjhar-amsa [link]
Elderbrother, Vaishnavite, thread ceremony, marriage, Saturn [link]
Mother’s death, fortunes, Bhargava quoted, Capricorn Lagna—Jagathi Nadiamsa [link]
Thread ceremon, Moon in Pisces, Satum-Mars.progeny [link]
Wealt, 8th Rasi’s das, Moon in Pisces [link]
Aquarius Lagna—Kunda Nadiamsa [link]
Royal service, father, thread ceremony, wealth [link]
Marriage, music, royal service, father [link]
Saturn’s Navamsa positions, 5th dasa, dasa of 11th lord, marriages, progeny [link]
Illness, 6th dasa, 2nd lord’s das, Aries Lagna—Mangala Nadi-amsa [link]
Twins, Vcnus-Mars conjunction, Saturn in direct motion, father [link]
Aries Lagna with same Navamsa, 9lh lord in 6th, infantile mortality [link]
Garga quote, Mercury with Jupiter, Jupiter’s aspect on 10th, wisdom and fortunes [link]
Mangala Nadiamsa—other effects [link]
Obstacles to marriag, Mars in Pisces Navamsa,2nd dasa, Scorpio Lagna [link]
Jupiter in Le, retrograde Mars, timely death [link]
Pilgrimage, 4th dasa, pilgrimage, lord of 10th, death, Pisces Lagna—Uraga Nadiamsa [link]
Moon-Mars conjunction, wealth etc [link]
Rahu in Aslesha Nakshatra, Venus, Mother [link]
Thread ceremony, marriage, bride, period of marriage, children [link]
Marriage, progeny, father, dasa period [link]
5th das, Sun in exaltation, Saturn in transit in Scorpio, Scorpio Lagna—Sudha Nadi-amsa [link]
Sumathi Nadiamsa, father, mother, relatives [link]
2nd dasa, marriage, lord of 4th, Moon in 7th [link]
Family deaths, 2nd dasa, progeny, abortions, Saturn—Mars periods, Saturn’s transit [link]
Cancer Navamsa, Moon in Kutila Nadiamsa, Saturn in an immovable Navamsa [link]
Saturn, Venus, Moon, pilgrimage, Pisces Lagna Vasudha Nadiamsa [link]
Indra Nadi-amsa, Jupiterian rrimsams, properties, horse-riding, Martian aspects [link]
Mars in malefic Navamsa, Taurus Navamsa, Adhi Yog, Kahala Yoga [link]
Aries navamsa, Jupiter’s transit, parent, Jupiter with Sun-Mars [link]
Children, two wives,life span, Mars with Sun [link]
Lords of 9th and 10th, Kesari yoga in Gemini [link]
Adhi Yoga, 5 planets in Lagn, trouble to spouse, Jupiter-Mars [link]
Luminaries, Dhruva Nadiamsa, 3rd house [link]
Capricorn Lagna—Kala Nadiamsa, physical description, cobom, mother, happiness [link]
Progeny, female child, dead children, grief, convey-ances, Sakata Yoga, happiness [link]
Life-span,Capricorn Lagna—Dhruva Nadiamsa,Cobom, Saturn in malefic Shastiamsa [link]
Progeny, Moon, prosperity, 11th lord’s dasa, royal authority, death [link]
Marriage, prosperity, 4th dasa, progeny, Taurus Lagna—Kamala Nadi-amsa [link]
Marriage, fathe, Mercur, Mars-Venus, mother, untimely death [link]
Jupiter-Mars-Sun conjunction, marriage, progeny, 12th lord, Taurus Lagna—Sivada Nadiamsa [link]
Fifth issue, parents’, cobom, Saturn’s transit [link]
Marriage, Mars-Ket, 10th Arudha [link]
Progeny, 7th lord, Jupiter’s transit, dasa effects [link]
Senior Vasishta quoted, Gemini ascendant—Kamala Nadiamsa [link]
Mars in debility, prosperity, Bhagya Yoga, 2nd dasa, Danger in 5th year [link]
Jupiter in Gemini Navamsa, father,‘Venus in 10th [link]
Female issue, obstacle to progeny, 3rd dasa, 9th lord’s dasa [link]
Danger to mother, professional progress, untimely en, death [link]
Jupiter in Pisces Navamsa, 9th lord in Cancer, Lagna lord in 2nd house [link]
Marriage, Venus in Mangala Nadiamsa, lifelong fortunes, conveyances, danger to mother [link]
Wealth, father’s brothers, dasa periods, progeny, Sun-Mercury in 10th, dasa periods [link]
Bhargava Nadi quoted [link]

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