Markandeya Purana

by Frederick Eden Pargiter | 1904 | 247,181 words | ISBN-10: 8171102237

This is the English translation of the Markandeya Purana, one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. The Puranas (purāṇa) are a genre of Hindu religious texts. Its leading feature is narrative; and it presents an uninterrupted succession of legends. This translation features Sanskrit-native words that have been rendered using the IAST transliteration schem...

Abbreviations used

aps. Apsaras.
b. brahman.
bd. bird.
c. country.
cer. cereal.
cst. constellation, asterism.
d. demon (Daitya, Dānava, Asura, Rāksasa).
dg. demi-god; celestial being.
dt. district. dyn. dynasty.
f. family
f.d. female demon. for. forest.
g. god. gb. goblin. gdh. gandbarva.
gr. grass.
gs. goddess.
h. bill.
hb. herb.
isl. island,
k. king.
kst. kṣatriya.
l. lake.
m. man.
mt. mountain.
mts. mountain-range.
p. people.
pat. patronymic.
pfn. personification.
pl. place.
pr. prince.
prs. princess.
ps. person.
pt. plant.
q. queen.
r. river.
rs. ṛsi.
sf. sacrifice.
t. town, city.
ti. tīrtha, place of pilgrimage.
tr. tree.
w. woman.

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