by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī | 180,912 words
The English translation of the Sri Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu verse 2.4.35; a medieval era Sanskrit book, written by Rupa Goswami (fl. 15th century) which represents a devotional (bhakti) masterpiece. In this work Goswami describes the nature and different forms of pure love (rasa) as well as various other topics on Vaishnavism and devotion.
Verse 2.4.35
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation:
अथ (६) मदः —
विवेक-हर उल्लासो मदः स द्वि-विधो मतः ।
मधु-पान-भवो’नङ्ग-विक्रिया-भर-जो’पि च ।
गत्य्-अङ्ग-वाणी-स्खलन-दृग्-घूर्णा-रक्तिमादि-कृत् ॥२.४.३५॥atha (6) madaḥ —
viveka-hara ullāso madaḥ sa dvi-vidho mataḥ |
madhu-pāna-bhavo’naṅga-vikriyā-bhara-jo’pi ca |
gaty-aṅga-vāṇī-skhalana-dṛg-ghūrṇā-raktimādi-kṛt ||2.4.35||
English translation
“Rapture that destroys all sense of discriminating power is called mada. There are two types: arising from intoxication and arising from extreme transformations due to love. In this state there is stumbling while walking,
uncoordinated movement of the limbs, and uncoordinated speaking. The eyes roll, and the face becomes red.”