Pubba: 5 definitions
Pubba means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
In Buddhism
Mahayana (major branch of Buddhism)
Source: Wisdom Library: Maha Prajnaparamita SastraPubba (पुब्ब) is Pali for “pus” (Sanskrit Pūya) refers to one of the thirty-substances of the human body according to the Visuddhimagga, as mentioned in an appendix of the 2nd century Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra chapter 32-34. The Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra mentions thirty-six substances [viz., pubba]; the Sanskrit sources of both the Lesser and the Greater Vehicles, physical substances are 26 in number while the Pāli suttas list thirty-once substances.
Mahayana (महायान, mahāyāna) is a major branch of Buddhism focusing on the path of a Bodhisattva (spiritual aspirants/ enlightened beings). Extant literature is vast and primarely composed in the Sanskrit language. There are many sūtras of which some of the earliest are the various Prajñāpāramitā sūtras.
Languages of India and abroad
Pali-English dictionary
Source: BuddhaSasana: Concise Pali-English Dictionarypubba : (m.) pus; matter. (adj.) former; earlier; eastern. (in cpds.) having been before, e.g. gatapubba= gone before. || pubbā (f.) the east. puṇṇa (pp. of pūrati) full; complete.
Source: Sutta: The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary1) Pubba, 2 (adj.) (Vedic pūrva, to Idg. *per, see pari & cp. Goth. fram=from; Gr. prόmos first, Goth. fruma=As. formo first, Av. pourvō, also Sk. pūrvya=Goth. frauja =Ohg. frō Lord, frouwa=Ger. frau. See also Lat. prandium, provincia) previous, former, before. The adj. never occurs in abs. forms by itself (for which see pubbaka), it is found either as —° or °- or in cases as adv. The phrase pubbam antam anissita Sn. 849 is poetical for pubbantam.—1. (-°) having been before J. III, 200; na diṭṭha° not seen before Nd1 445; mātabhūta° formerly (been) his mother PvA. 79; vuttha° (gāma) formerly inhabited DhA. I, 15; as adv. bhūtapubbaṃ before any beings (existed) Vin. I, 342; DhA. I, 102 and passim (see bhūta).—2. (neg.) apubba (nt.) what has not been before, something new VvA. 117, 287. Acc. as adv. in phrase apubbaṃ acarimaṃ not earlier, not after, i.e. simultaneously M. III, 65; Pug. 13 (=apure apacchā, ekappahāren’evâti attho PugA 186). ‹-› 3. (cases adverbially) Instr. pubbena in °âpara gradual M. III, 79; Acc. pubbaṃ see 1, 2, with Abl. as prep. = before SnA 549 (=purā); Loc. pubbe in earlier times (also referring to previous births, cp. pure), in the past, before S. IV, 307; Sn. 831, 949 (with pacchā & majjhe, i.e. future & present); Pv. I, 31; II, 22; SnA 290, 385, 453; PvA. 4, 10, 39, 40, 100. With Abl. as prep. = before S. II, 104. In compn with °nivāsa see sep. An old Acc. f. *pūrvīṃ (cp. Prk. puvviṃ Pischel, Gr. § 103) we find in Cpd. anupubbikathā (q. v.). The compar. pubbatara (“quite early”) occurs abs. at S. IV, 117 as Nom. pl. “ancestors” (cp. Gr. oi( prόteroi), as Loc. adv. at S. I, 22.—aṅgin in f. °aṅgī (cāru°) at J. V, 4 & VI, 481 read sabbaṅgin.—aṇṇa “first grain, ” a name given to the 7 kinds of grain, as distinguished from aparaṇṇa, the 7 sorts of vegetables, with which it is usually combined; Vin. III, 151; IV, 267; Nd1 248 (where the 7 are enumd); Nd2 314; J. II, 185; Miln. 106; DA. I, 78, 270; DhA. IV, 81 etc. (see aparaṇṇa). See also bīja-bīja.—aṇha the former part of the day, forenoon, morning (as contrasted with majjhaṇha & sāyaṇha) D. I, 109, 226; A. I, 294; III, 344; S. I, 76 (°samayaṃ); SnA 139 (id.); DhA. III, 98; PvA. 61, 216. The spelling pubbanha M. I, 528 (cp. Trenckner, Notes 80).—anta (1) the East J. I, 98 (°ato aparantaṃ aparantato pubbantaṃ gacchati from E. to W. from W. to E.); V, 471.—(2) the Past (opp. aparanta the Future) D. I, 12 sq.; S. II, 26; Nd1 212; Dhs. 1004. pubbam antaṃ for pubbantaṃ is poetical at Sn. 849.—°ânudiṭṭhi theory concerning the past or the beginning of things D. I, 13 (cp. DA. I, 103); M. II, 233; S. III, 45; Dhs. 1320.—aḷha(ka) (āḷhaka) at Th. 2, 395 is doubtful. T. reads bubbuḷaka, Mrs. Rh. D. translates “bubble of film”; ThA. 259 explns by “ṭhita-jalapubbaḷha-sadisa. ” —ācariya (1) an ancient teacher, a scholar of previous times A. I, 132; II, 70; It. 110; Vism. 523=VbhA. 130; KhA 11, 64, 65.—(2) a former teacher SnA 318.—āciṇṇa (-vasena) by way of former practice, from habit SnA 413.—âpara (1) what precedes and what follows, what comes first and what last (with ref. to the successive order of syllables and words in the text of the Scriptures) A. III, 201 (°kusala); Dh. 352; Nett 3 (°ânusandhi); cp. BSk. pūrvāpareṇa vyākhyānaṃ karoti “expld in due order” AvŚ II. 20.—(2) °rattaṃ “as in the former, so in the foll. night, ” i.e. without ceasing, continuous Th. 1, 413. cp. pub baratt-âparattaṃ DhA. IV, 129.—âpariya former & future, first & last Ud. 61 (°vivesa);—ābhoga previous reflection ThA. 30.—ārāma “Eastern Park, ” N. of a locality east of Sāvatthi A. III, 344; Sn. p. 139 (cp. SnA. 502).—āsava former intoxication Sn. 913, cp. Nd1 331.—uṭṭhāna getting up before (someone else) either applied to a servant getting up before the master, or to a wife rising before her husband VvA. 71, 136.—uṭṭnāyin “getting up earlier” (with complementary Ep. pacchā-nipātin “lying down later”), see above D. I, 60; III, 191; A. III, 37; IV, 265 sq.; DA. I, 168.—abstr. °uṭṭhāyitā J. III, 406 (°ādīhi pañcahi kalyāṇa dhammehi samannāgatā patidevatā)=V. 88; KhA 173.—uttara (1) preceding and following KAcc. 44. 47.—(2) “eastnorthern, ” i.e. north-eastern J. V, 38 (°kaṇṇa N. E. corner); VI, 519 (id.).—kamma a former deed, a deed done in a former existence Cp. III, 113.—kārin “doing before, ” i.e. looking after, obliging, doing a favour A. I, 87; Pug. 26 (=paṭhamaṃ eva kāraka PugA 204) PvA. 114.—kicca preiiminary function Vin. V, 127 (cattāro pubbakiccā); cp. Cpd. 53.—koṭṭhaka “Eastern Barn, ” Npl. A. III, 345.—(n)gama (1) going before, preceding A. III, 108 (okkamane p.); M. III, 71 sq. ‹-› (2) “allowing to go before”; controlled or directed by, giving precedence Dh. 2 (mano° dhammā=tena paṭhama-gāminā hutvā samannāgatā DhA. I, 35); Nd2 318; Pug. 15 (paññā° ariyamagga=paññaṃ pure-cārikaṃ katṿā PugA 194); Sdhp. 547 (paññā°). Cp. BSk. pūrvaṅgama Divy 333 (“obedient” Index).—carita former life SnA 382, 385.—ja born earlier, i.e. preceding in age PvA. 57 (=jeṭṭhaka).—ñāti former relative PvA. 24.—deva a former god, a god of old, pl. the ancient gods (viz. the Asuras) S. I, 224.—devatā an ancient deity A. II, 70; It. 110 (v. l. °deva).—nimitta “previous sign, ” a foregoing sign, prognostic, portent. forecast It. 76 (the 5 signs of decay of a god); J. I, 11 (the 32 signs at the conception of a Buddha, given in detail on p. 51), 48; Miln. 298 (of prophetic dreams, cp. Cpd. p. 48); VbhA. 407 (in dreams); DhA. II, 85.—pada the former, or antecedent, part (of a phrase) DhsA. 164.—parikamma a former action SnA 284 (opp. to pacchā-parikamma).—purisa ancestor D. I, 93, 94.—peta a deceased spirit, a ghost (=peta) D. I, 8 (°kathā, cp. DA. I, 90 & Dial. I. 14). pubbe pete is poetical at Pv. I, 41 for pubbapete. Cp. BSk. pūrvapreta AvŚ I. 149 (see Index p. 230); Divy 47, 97.—bhāga “former part, ” i.e. previous PvA. 133 (°cetanā opp. apara-bhāga-cetanā. SS omit bhāga).—bhāsin speaking obligingly (cp. pubbakārin) D. I, 116 (trsl. “not backward in conversation”), DA. I, 287 (bhāsanto va paṭhamataraṃ bhāsati etc.).—yoga “former connection, “ i.e. connection with a former body or deed, former action (and its result) J. V, 476; VI, 480; Miln. 2 (pubbayogo ti tesaṃ pubba-kammaṃ). Kern, Toev. s. v. remarks that it is frequent in BSk. as pūrvayoga (yoga=yuga; syn. with pūrvakalpa), e.g. Saddh. Puṇḍ. ch. VII.; MVastu II. 287; III, 175; and refers to Ind. Studien 16, 298; J. R. A. S. 1875, 5.—rattâparattaṃ the past and future time, the whole time, always A. III, 70; DhA. IV, 129.—vāsana an impression remaining in the mind from former actions Sn. 1009; ThA. 31 (Ap. v. 8).—videha Eastern Videha KhA 123, 176; SnA 443.—sadisa an old (former) friend DhA. I, 57 Pubbaka (adj.) (fr. pubba2) 1. former, ancient, living in former times D. I, 104 (isayo), 238 (id.); Sn. 284 (id.); S. II, 105; IV, 307 (ācariya-pācariyā); Th. 1, 947. ‹-› 2. (-°; cp. pubba2 1) having formerly been, previous J. I, 182 (suvaṇṇakāra° bhikkhu), cp. BSk. °pūrvaka in same use at AvŚ I. 259, 296, 322.—3. (-°) accompanied or preceded by ThA. 74 (guṇ’âbhitthavana° udāna); PvA. 122 (puññânumodana° maggācikkhana); cp. āśvāsana-pūrvaka Jtm 210. (Page 467)
2) Pubba, 1 (Vedic pūya›*pūva›*puvva›pubba (Geiger, P. Gr. § 461); cp. pūyati to smell rotten, Lat. pūs=E. pus, Gr. pu/qw to rot, pu/on matter; Vedic pūti smelling foul; Goth. fūls=E. foul) pus, matter, corruption M. I, 57; III, 90; S. I, 150; II, 157; A. I, 34; J. II, 18; Miln. 382; PvA. 80.—In detail discussed (as one of the 32 ākāras) at Vism. 261, 360; KhA 62; VbhA. 244.—Often in combn pubba-lohita matter & blood, e.g. Sn. p. 125; Sn. 671; J. V, 71; DhA. I, 319; as food of the Petas Pv. I, 69; I, 91 (lohita-pubba); I, 118; II, 26. pubba-vaṭṭi a lump of matter DhA. III, 117. (Page 467)
Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. Closeley related to Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between religions.
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit DictionaryPubba (पुब्ब).—(?) (m., = Pali id., for Sanskrit pūya, Geiger 46.1), pus: Mahāvastu i.28.9 (prose). So Senart; but several mss. cited as pucca, clearly intending puvva, which must underlie the Pali pubba and may well be the true reading here.
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
Kannada-English dictionary
Source: Alar: Kannada-English corpusPubba (ಪುಬ್ಬ):—[noun] = ಪುಬ್ಬೆ [pubbe].
Kannada is a Dravidian language (as opposed to the Indo-European language family) mainly spoken in the southwestern region of India.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Starts with (+12): Pubba Kucayana, Pubba Sutta, Pubbabhaga, Pubbacarita, Pubbacariya, Pubbadesa, Pubbadeva, Pubbajira, Pubbakamma, Pubbakammapiloti, Pubbakarasa, Pubbakicca, Pubbakotthaka, Pubbakotthaka Sutta, Pubbangama, Pubbangama Sutta, Pubbangamaniya, Pubbanha Sutta, Pubbanimitta, Pubbanna.
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Full-text (+43): Anajjhavutthapubba, Pubba Kucayana, Vatthubhutapubba, Pubbarama, Uttarapubba, Puvva, Avadharanapubbapada, Utupubba, Layita, Anuppannapubba, Pubba Sutta, Padalita, Anubodhapubbaka, Badhin, Vutthaka, Upasampannapubba, Bhutapubba, Purvashaila, Dhammantari, Carima.
Relevant text
Search found 14 books and stories containing Pubba; (plurals include: Pubbas). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Maha Buddhavamsa—The Great Chronicle of Buddhas (by Ven. Mingun Sayadaw)
Part 2 - The Request made to the Bodhisatta Deva < [Chapter 1 - The Story of Sataketu Deva, The Future Buddha]
Miscellaneous Notes on Different Aspect of Dāna (generosity) < [Chapter 6 - On Pāramitā]
Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts (by Rajendralala Mitra)
Page 79 < [Volume 1 (1871)]
Maha Prajnaparamita Sastra (by Gelongma Karma Migme Chödrön)
Appendix 3 - Thirty-two substances of the human body < [Chapter XXXII-XXXIV - The eight classes of supplementary dharmas]
Abhidhamma in Daily Life (by Ashin Janakabhivamsa) (by Ashin Janakabhivamsa)
Domain 1 - Dana (charity) < [Chapter 6 - Ten domains of meritorious actions (ten punna kiriyavatthu)]
Guide to Tipitaka (by U Ko Lay)
(b) On The Right Way To Give Alms < [Chapter III - What Is Suttanta Pitaka?]
Dhammapada (Illustrated) (by Ven. Weagoda Sarada Maha Thero)
Verse 292-293 - The Story of the Venerables of Bhaddiya < [Chapter 21 - Pakiṇṇaka Vagga (Miscellaneous)]