Guhyagarbha Tantra (with Commentary)
by Gyurme Dorje | 1987 | 304,894 words
The English translation of the Guhyagarbha Tantra, including Longchenpa's commentary from the 14th century. The whole work is presented as a critical investigation into the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, of which the Guhyagarbhatantra is it's principle text. It contains twenty-two chapters teaching the essence and practice of Mahayoga, which s...
Text 11.10 (Commentary)
[Guhyagarbha-Tantra, Text section 11.10]
One will become a skyfarer, radiant and blazing forth.
With longevity, etc.
And a master of the Wish-fulfilling Clouds. [10][Tibetan]
mkha'-'gro gsal-'bar tshe la-sogs /
yid-bzhin sprin-gyi bdag-por 'gyur / [10]
[v. The fifth, concerning the result of that attainment, (comments on Ch. 11.10):]
Through miraculous abilities one will become a sky-farer (mkha'-'gro);[1] through supernormal cognitive power one will directly experience the radiant (gsal) realisation of all things; and through the blazing forth ('bar) of the light-rays of contemplation and pristine cognition one will upwardly traverse the distinctive levels and paths.[2] With longevity (tshe) equal to that of sun and moon, the benefit of oneself and others will be attained, and the body of indestructible reality (vajrakāya) acquired; st cetera (la-sogs). Included among these, there are revealed to be obtained the eight common accomplishments of the enchanted sword, eye-salve, pills, alchemical transmutation (of iron) into gold, swift-footedness and so forth.[3] And one will also become a master of the Wish-fulfilling Clouds (yid-bzhin sprin-gyi bdag-por 'gyur) or supreme level of Samantabhadra.[4] Inasmuch as buddha-body and pristine cognition are without conjunction or disjunction, the twofold benefit of living beings will be spontaneously present.
[Rites of "Liberation" (396.6-400.2):]
The second aspect (of the particular exegesis of the maṇḍala in which rites of sexual union and "liberation" are indivisible, see p. 899) is the maṇḍala of secret skillful means in which the rites of "liberation" are inherently pure. It has three sections.
[i. The first, concerning the object which is "liberated", (comments on Ch. 11.11):]
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Footnotes and references:
On the resultant attainment as a skyfarer (mkha'-'gro/ma or mkha'-spyod-pa/ma), see NSTB, Book 1, Pt. 4, pp. 154b, where, as the provisional result of Yogatantra, it is clearly held to be equivalent to the tshe-dbang rig-'dzin, and ibid., p. 152b, where, as the result of Kriyātantra, it is confined within kāmadhātu.
On the traversal of the levels and paths specifically during the experiences of the perfection stage, see below. Ch. 13, PP. 1012-1016,
"eight common accomplishments" (thun-mong-gi grub-pa brgyad). Cf. NSTB. Book 1, Pt. 4, p. 144, where sky-faring and invisibility are added to complete the eight, and where "alchemical transmutation" is replaced by "immortality & the suppression of disease". These are held to be the lowest accomplishments of a mundane vidyādhara.