Anti-Stress Massage Oil

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Relieves Stress and Relaxes the Body
Ashwagandha, Indian Madder
A specially formulated oil that relieves fatigue and relaxes the body. Contains Ashwagandha
that is an anti-stress agent and Indian Madder, which is anti- inflammatory. Tila taila processed in: Asvagandha 165mg, Bala 165mg, Guduchi
165mg, Manjistha 7.5mg. Fatigue due to stress, insomnia, anxiety and backache. Apply generously and massage well all over the body. Take a warm
shower after half-an-hour.
Ayurvedic proprietary medicine. Completely safe. Non-toxic. Store in a cool and dry place. For
external use only.
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