Jain Science and Spirituality

by Medhavi Jain | 2020 | 61,419 words

This essay studies the elements of Jainism and investigates how Jain science and philosophy can give the world answers to through science and spirituality. Instead of interpreting it as a confined, strict philosophy, it is shown that Jainism represents a path towards self-awakening through self-improvement....

2.6. Karma in the light of cause and effect

Karma is a complicated network of series of cause and effect, where each karma takes us further back in time, each present karma is the effect of some previous karma, that worked as a cause for the same and at the same time that previous karma was the effect of some other previous karma that must have caused it and so on…

In current times when dharma/god has been depicted as a fearful ghost, and the way religions are becoming chaotic; the Jaina Karma theory makes us feel free and independent.

The whole purpose of studying the karma philosophy is to apply this wisdom in our daily lives, where we are able to see the bigger picture under the vision of cause, that has been created by us back in time; and effect, the situation we are facing at present. When one gets hold of the karma theory, one understands it deeply that one’s present circumstances has been laid down by oneself in the past and when one gets aware of it, one questions his agony, that seems pointless. Famous German scholar Dr. Robert Zydenbos has said, ‘The core of Jainism is (a) the karma doctrine, (b) the metaphysical dualistic polarity, recognizing jiva and ajiva, (c) it’s very typical epistemology and ontology (which is the true basis of Anekantavada and Syadvada). Everything else is derived from this, including the Jaina system of ethics. This is very important to realize: ethics is not the starting point, but a consequence of other thoughts. The Jainas themselves have forgotten this and want to believe that their religion is nonviolence and nothing else. If anyone who has been philosophically trained critically thinks about this for more than one minute, it will be clear why this cannot be true.’[1]

Hence under the canopy of karma we can improvise ourselves and can, definitely lead a more peaceful and happier life. Especially the detailed description of karma in Jaina philosophy, is so logical that it leaves no query unanswered, rather it inspires its students to peep in for self-introspection and make them understand that if anyone can be reformed, in the world, is ‘me.’ If each individual of our society would start working on self-improvement through self-introspection, healthy self-criticism and self-analysation, that day is not far when peace will prevail on our planet.

Footnotes and references:


As told in an email interview on 30.08.2016

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