Rig Veda (translation and commentary)

by H. H. Wilson | 1866 | 1,999,864 words | ISBN-10: 8171101380 | ISBN-13: 9788171101382

The Rig-Veda, English translation, including the commentary of Sayana and grammatical analysis. The hyms of the Rigveda Samhita represents some of the oldest and complex of Hindu Sanskrit literature. In ten books, these mantras form the core essence of rituals and ceremonies once widely performed throughout ancient India. This edition contains the...

Disclaimer: These are translations of Sanskrit texts and are not necessarily approved by everyone associated with the traditions connected to these texts. Consult the source and original scripture in case of doubt.

Rig Veda 1.29.4

Sanskrit text [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:

स॒सन्तु॒ त्या अरा॑तयो॒ बोध॑न्तु शूर रा॒तय॑: । आ तू न॑ इन्द्र शंसय॒ गोष्वश्वे॑षु शु॒भ्रिषु॑ स॒हस्रे॑षु तुवीमघ ॥
ससन्तु त्या अरातयो बोधन्तु शूर रातयः । आ तू न इन्द्र शंसय गोष्वश्वेषु शुभ्रिषु सहस्रेषु तुवीमघ ॥
sasantu tyā arātayo bodhantu śūra rātayaḥ | ā tū na indra śaṃsaya goṣv aśveṣu śubhriṣu sahasreṣu tuvīmagha ||

English translation:

“May those who are our enemies, slumber, and those, O hero, who are our friends, be awake; Indra, of boundless wealth, enrich us with thousands of excellent cows and horses.”


Ṛṣi (sage/seer): śunaḥśepa ājīgartiḥ [śunaśepa ājīgarti];
Devatā (deity/subject-matter): indra:;
Chandas (meter): nicṛtpaṅkti ;
Svara (tone/note): Swar;

Padapatha [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:

स॒सन्तु॑ । त्याः । अरा॑तयः । बोध॑न्तु । शू॒र॒ । रा॒तयः॑ । आ । तु । नः॒ । इ॒न्द्र॒ । शं॒स॒य॒ । गोषु॑ । अश्वे॑षु । शु॒भ्रिषु॑ । स॒हस्रे॑षु । तु॒वी॒ऽम॒घ॒ ॥
ससन्तु । त्याः । अरातयः । बोधन्तु । शूर । रातयः । आ । तु । नः । इन्द्र । शंसय । गोषु । अश्वेषु । शुभ्रिषु । सहस्रेषु । तुवीमघ ॥
sasantu | tyāḥ | arātayaḥ | bodhantu | śūra | rātayaḥ | ā | tu | naḥ | indra | śaṃsaya | goṣu | aśveṣu | śubhriṣu | sahasreṣu | tuvī-magha

Multi-layer Annotation of the Ṛgveda

[Rigveda 1.29.4 English analysis of grammar]

sasantu < sas

[verb], plural, Present imperative


tyā < tyāḥ < tya

[noun], nominative, plural, feminine


arātayo < arātayaḥ < arāti

[noun], nominative, plural, feminine

“hostility; adversity; foe; envy; stinginess.”

bodhantu < budh

[verb], plural, Present imperative

“understand; notice; wake up; observe; detect; attend to; awaken; attend.”


[noun], vocative, singular, masculine

“hero; cock; śūra; Śūra; Vatica robusta; Plumbago zeylanica; warrior; hero; attacker; lentil; wild boar; lion; dog.”

rātayaḥ < rāti

[noun], nominative, plural, feminine

“gift; bounty; favor.”



“towards; ākāra; until; ā; since; according to; ā [suffix].”

< tu


“now; then; but; and; now; however; then; then; surely.”

na < naḥ < mad

[noun], dative, plural

“I; mine.”


[noun], vocative, singular, masculine

“Indra; leader; best; king; first; head; self; indra [word]; Indra; sapphire; fourteen; guru.”

śaṃsaya < śaṃsay < √śaṃs

[verb], singular, Present imperative

goṣv < goṣu < go

[noun], locative, plural

“cow; cattle; go [word]; Earth; bull; floor; milk; beam; sunbeam; leather; hide; horn; language; bowstring; earth; ox; Svarga.”

aśveṣu < aśva

[noun], locative, plural, masculine

“horse; aśva [word]; Aśva; stallion.”

śubhriṣu < śubhri

[noun], locative, plural, masculine


sahasreṣu < sahasra

[noun], locative, plural, neuter

“thousand; one-thousandth; sahasra [word].”


[noun], vocative, singular, masculine

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