Garga Samhita (English)
by Danavir Goswami | 425,489 words
The Garga-samhita Verse 2.3.8, English translation, including word-by-word: This text represents a Vaishnava scripture which narrates the life Krishna, It was composed in seventeen cantos by Garga Muni: an ancient sage and priest of the Yadu dynasty having. This is verse 2 of Chapter 3 (Description of the Yamuna’s Arrival) of Canto 2 (vrindavana-khanda).
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Verse 2.3.8
Sanskrit text, transliteration and word-by-word meaning:
ब्रह्मलोकम् अभिव्याप्य
पतन्ति ब्रह्म-मण्डलात्
ततः सुराणां शतशो
लोकाल् लोकं जगाम ह
brahmalokam abhivyāpya
patanti brahma-maṇḍalāt
tataḥ surāṇāṃ śataśo
lokāl lokaṃ jagāma ha
brahmalokam—Brahmaloka; abhivyāpya—attaining; patanti—falling; brahma-maṇḍalāt—from the planet of Brahma; tataḥ—then; surāṇām—of the demigods; śataśaḥ—hundreds; lokāl—from planet; lokam—to planet; jagāma—went; ha—indeed.
English translation of verse 2.3.8:
Then the Yamunā came to Brahmaloka. Falling from Brahmā's planet, she went to the hundreds of planets of the demigods. She went from one planet to another.
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