Pakshmakopa, Pakṣmakopa, Pakshman-kopa: 4 definitions
Pakshmakopa means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.
The Sanskrit term Pakṣmakopa can be transliterated into English as Paksmakopa or Pakshmakopa, using the IAST transliteration scheme (?).
Languages of India and abroad
Sanskrit dictionary
Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionaryPakṣmakopa (पक्ष्मकोप).—irritation produced in the eye by the lashes turning inwards.
Derivable forms: pakṣmakopaḥ (पक्ष्मकोपः).
Pakṣmakopa is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms pakṣman and kopa (कोप). See also (synonyms): pakṣmaprakopa.
Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English DictionaryPakṣmakopa (पक्ष्मकोप):—[=pakṣma-kopa] [from pakṣma > pakṣ] m. irritation in the eye from the eyelashes turning in wards (Entropium), [Suśruta]
[Sanskrit to German]
Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.
See also (Relevant definitions)
Partial matches: Pakshman, Pakshma, Kopa.
Full-text: Pakshmaprakopa, Pakshmaksha, Kopa.
Relevant text
Search found 5 books and stories containing Pakshmakopa, Pakṣmakopa, Pakshman-kopa, Pakṣman-kopa, Paksmakopa, Paksman-kopa, Pakshma-kopa, Pakṣma-kopa, Paksma-kopa; (plurals include: Pakshmakopas, Pakṣmakopas, kopas, Paksmakopas). You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles:
Sushruta Samhita, Volume 6: Uttara-tantra (by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna)
Chapter XVI - Treatment of diseases peculiar to eye-lashes and eye-lids < [Canto I - Shalakya-tantra (ears, eyes, nose, mouth and throat)]
Chapter III - Pathology of the diseases of the eye-lids < [Canto I - Shalakya-tantra (ears, eyes, nose, mouth and throat)]
Chapter VIII - Classification and treatment of ocular affections < [Canto I - Shalakya-tantra (ears, eyes, nose, mouth and throat)]
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Shalakya tantra in sushruta samhita- a literary review < [2017: Volume 6, March issue 3]
Role of akshi tarpana in the management of eye diseases < [2017: Volume 6, December issue 16]
Surgery in ancient India (Study) (by P. P. Prathapan)
2. How to revive Ayurveda Salya-Tantra < [Chapter 6 - Conclusion]
A History of Indian Philosophy Volume 2 (by Surendranath Dasgupta)
Part 18 - Āyurveda Literature < [Chapter XIII - Speculations in the Medical Schools]
A systematic approach to the classification of diseases < [Volume 12 (issue 3-4), Jan-Jun 1993]