Encyclopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture - North and South India

author: Michael W. Meister
edition: 1986, American Institute of Indian Studies
pages: 6147
Topic: History

Chapter 23 - Karkotas and utpalas of Kasmira

This chapter describes Karkotas and utpalas of Kasmira located on page 351 in the book Encyclopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture (North and South India) compiled by Michael W. Meister, George Michell and M. A. Dhaky. These books deal with Indian temples from the early centuries. South India developed the Dravidian style while North India expressed symbolic experimentation of the divine manifestation.

This historical compilation contains seven volumes and comprises 14 books. For example, this chapter describes Karkotas and utpalas of Kasmira. Everything together represents a huge collection of material related to the temple architecture of North and South India.

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