Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation

by S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar | 388,514 words

This is the English translation of the Tiruvaymoli (or, Thiruvaimozhi): An ancient Tamil text consisting of 1102 verses which were sung by the poet-saint Nammalvar as an expression of his devotion to Vishnu. Hence, it is an important devotional book in Vaishnavism. Nammalvar is one of the twelve traditional saints of Tamil Nadu (Southern India), kn...

Tamil text and transliteration:

உன்னைச் சிந்தை செய்து செய்து, உன் நெடு மா மொழி இசைபாடி ஆடி என்
முன்னைத் தீவினைகள் முழு வேர் அரிந்தனன் யான்,
உன்னைச் சிந்தையினால் இகழ்ந்த இரணியன் அகல் மார்வம் கீண்ட என்
முன்னைக் கோளரியே முடியாதது என் எனக்கே.

uṉṉaic cintai ceytu ceytu, uṉ neṭu mā moḻi icaipāṭi āṭi eṉ
muṉṉait tīviṉaikaḷ muḻu vēr arintaṉaṉ yāṉ,
uṉṉaic cintaiyiṉāl ikaḻnta iraṇiyaṉ akal mārvam kīṇṭa eṉ
muṉṉaik kōḷariyē muṭiyātatu eṉ eṉakkē.

English translation of verse 2.6.6:

Mighty Narasiṅka! my primordial Lord!
You split the broad chest of Iraṇiyaṉ, the demon,
Who inwardly despised you but here am I, fully delivered
From my age-long sins meditating on you, ever and anon,
Dancing and singing sweetly your glory great
Is there at all anything, this vassal of Yours cannot get?


Lord: Oh, Āḻvār! is there anything more 1 can do for you?

Āḻvār: Sire! what is there I haven’t got from you? My age-long sins have been rooted out, with a mind solely rivetted in you, I go on singing your great glory and dance in ecstasy. What more do I need?

The Lord is more keen to reward people than to punish them. Even if one’s praise of Him is only lip-deep, the Lord generously takes it at its face value, without probing deeper and exposing the hollowness. His omniscience and omnipotence notwithstanding. On the other hand, when one throws affront at Him, He does not straightaway punish without probing whether the offence was really meant or only casual. That is why Lord Narasiṅka explored Hiraṇya kaśipu, limb by limb, joint by joint, whether there was in him any love lurking for Him anywhere inside the demon. Unfortunately, there was none and the demon had to be vanquished.

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