Satapatha-brahmana [sanskrit]
147,532 words | ISBN-10: 812080113X | ISBN-13: 9788120801134
The Sanskrit text of the Satapatha-brahmana: One of the largest works in the category of Vedic (Brahmaic) literature, narrating in extensive detail the various rites, constructions, chants and utensils to be used in Hindu ceremonies. Alternative titles: Śatapathabrāhmaṇa (शतपथब्राह्मण), Śatapatha-brāhmaṇa (शतपथ-ब्राह्मण) Shatapathabrahma (shatapatha).
tāḥ prajāpatimabruvan | yadvai naḥ kamabhūdavāktadagāditi so'bravīdeṣa va etasya vanaspatirvettviti vettu saṃvettu so'ha vai taṃ vetasa ityācakṣate paro'kṣam paro 'kṣakāmā hi devā atha yadabruvannavāṅtaḥ kamagāditi tā avākkā abhavannavākkā ha vai tā avakā ityācakṣate paro'kṣam paro'kṣakāmā hi devāstā haitāstrayya āpo yanmaṇḍūko'vakā vetasaśākhaitābhirevainametattrayībhiradbhiḥ śamayati
Preview of English translation:
22. They (the waters) said to Prajapati, “Whatever moisture we had, has gone down.” He said, “This tree shall know it!”—he shall know (vettu), he shall taste it (sam vettu)—that one, indeed, they mystically call 'vetasa' (bamboo), for the gods love the mystic. And because they said, “Down (avak) has gone our moisture (ka),” they became avakkas;—“avakkas,” they mystically call 'avakas (lotuses),' for the gods love the mystic. These, then, are those three kinds of water, to wit, the frog, the lotus-flower, and the bamboo-shoot: by means of these three kinds of water he appeases him.
For a detailled translation, including proper diacritics and footnotes, go the full English translation.
Other editions:
Also see the following editions of the Sanskrit text or (alternative) English translations of the Satapatha-brahmana Verse
The Satapatha Brahmana (In Five Volumes)
by Julius Eggeling (1882)
2551 pages; [Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd.]
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The Satapatha Brahmana (3 volumes)
by Dr Jeet Ram Bhatt (2009)
Sanskrit Text with English Translation; 1726 pages; [Publisher: Eastern Book Linkers]; ISBN: 9788178541693
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The Satapatha Brahmana (With The Commentary of Sayanacarya and Harisvamin)
by Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (2002)
3483 pages; [शतपथ ब्राह्मणम्] According to the Madhyandina Recension; Commetaries: (1) Vedarthaprakash (Vedartha-prakasha) by Shrimat-Trayibhashyakar Sayanacharya, (2) Sarvavidyanidhana Kavindracharya Saraswati.
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Studies in the Satapatha-Brahmana
by Dr. (Mrs.) Santi Banerjee (1993)
236 pages; [Publisher: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar]
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Cultural Study of the Satapatha Brahman (in Hindi)
by Dr. Urmila Devi Sharma (1982)
106 pages; Shatapatha Brahmana Ek Sanskritik Adhyan; [Publisher: Meharchand Lakshmandas Publications]
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