Chaitanya Bhagavata
by Bhumipati Dāsa | 2008 | 1,349,850 words
The Chaitanya Bhagavata 1.16.229, English translation, including a commentary (Gaudiya-bhasya). This text is similair to the Caitanya-caritamrita and narrates the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, proclaimed to be the direct incarnation of Krishna (as Bhagavan) This is verse 229 of Adi-khanda chapter 16—“The Glories of Shri Haridasa Thakura”.
Verse 1.16.229
Bengali text, Devanagari and Unicode transliteration of verse 1.16.229:
এ-সকল দাম্ভিকের কৃষ্ণে প্রীতি নাই অকৈতব হৈলে সে কৃষ্ণ-ভক্তি পাই ॥ ২২৯ ॥
ए-सकल दाम्भिकेर कृष्णे प्रीति नाइ अकैतव हैले से कृष्ण-भक्ति पाइ ॥ २२९ ॥
e-sakala dāmbhikera kṛṣṇe prīti nāi akaitava haile se kṛṣṇa-bhakti pāi || 229 ||
e-sakala dambhikera krsne priti nai akaitava haile se krsna-bhakti pai (229)
English translation:
(229) “Actually that arrogant and deceitful brāhmaṇa has no love for Kṛṣṇa. To achieve the devotional service of Lord Kṛṣṇa one has to be free from duplicity.
Commentary: Gauḍīya-bhāṣya by Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura:
It is to be understood that those who artificially imitate the transcendental activities of the mahā-bhāgavata Vaiṣṇava with the desire to accumulate mundane fame as a devotee have no attitude of service to the lotus feet of the Lord. Although in order to gratify their own material senses they proudly accept the dress of devotees, their artificial external exhibition of devotional symptoms is simply meant to cheat people. Pure devotion to Kṛṣṇa is present wherever the symptoms of dharma-dhvajīs, vaiḍāla-vratīs, and baka-vratīs are absent, and pride, duplicity, and extraneous motives are present wherever such faults are found.