by C. G. Kashikar | 1964 | 166,530 words
The English translation of the Bharadvaja-Srauta-Sutra, representing some of the oldest texts on Hindu rituals and rites of passages, dating to at least the 1st millennium BCE. The term Srautasutra refers to a class of Sanskrit Sutra literature dealing with ceremonies based on the Brahmana divisions of the Veda (Sruti). They include Vedic rituals r...
Praśna 13, Kaṇḍikā 28
1. The Acchāvāka should sit down outside the Sadas in front of his Dhiṣṇya.
2. While giving over to him the piece of the cake, the Adhvaryu should say to him, “O Acchāvāka, do you recite what you have to recite.”
3. When he knows the Acchāvāka saying, “O Brāḥmaṇas, do you acquiesce,” the Adhvaryu should say, “This Acchāvāka here seeks acquiescence; O Hotṛ, do you acquiesce.”
4. The Hotṛ should acquiesce with a verse.[1]
5. When he knows the Hotṛ reciting the portion, “Our cows are acquiesced, thou art acquiesced,” the Adhvaryu should say to the Acchāvāka, “Do you recite the hymn for (your goblet) being filled in.”
6. After having taken the goblet of the Acchāvāka which has been filled in, he should cross over, cause the Āgnīdhra to announce and (after the latter has responded,) say, “O Acchāvāka, do you recite the yājyā.”
7. He should make the offering at the vaṣaṭ-utterance.
8. He should give over the goblet to the Acchāvāka for consuming.
9. The Acchāvāka should not seek acquiescence of the officiating priests in connection with the consuming of the goblet.
10. The Adhvaryu should not share the consuming of the goblet with the Acchāvāka.
11. If the Acchāvāka seeks acquiescence, the Adhvaryu should gay to him, “Do you consume.”
12. One should place the Acchāvāka’s goblet after it has been consumed and has been made to swell in between the goblets of the Neṣṭṛ and the Āgnīdhra.
13. At this stage the Adhvaryu should offer the oblation of the wash, water of the flour and that of the husks in connection with the offering of the Savanīyapuroḍāśa.
14. He should then discard the potsherds.
15. At this stage some teachers prescribe the rite pertaining to the vājina.
Footnotes and references:
AśvŚS V.7.5.