Tattvasangraha [with commentary]

by Ganganatha Jha | 1937 | 699,812 words | ISBN-10: 8120800583 | ISBN-13: 9788120800588

This page contains verse 2898 of the 8th-century Tattvasangraha (English translation) by Shantarakshita, including the commentary (Panjika) by Kamalashila: dealing with Indian philosophy from a Buddhist and non-Buddhist perspective. The Tattvasangraha (Tattvasamgraha) consists of 3646 Sanskrit verses; this is verse 2898.

Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation by Ganganath Jha:

अन्यस्यापि प्रमाणत्वे सङ्गतिर्नैव कारणम् ।
तुल्यार्थानां विकल्पेन ह्येकस्यैव प्रमाणता ॥ २८९८ ॥

anyasyāpi pramāṇatve saṅgatirnaiva kāraṇam |
tulyārthānāṃ vikalpena hyekasyaiva pramāṇatā || 2898 ||

“Such corroboration (by other means of cognition) does not form the basis of the validity of other cognitions also; because among cognitions envisaging the same thing, there can be only option,—which means that validity can belong to only one of them.”—(2898)


Kamalaśīla’s commentary (tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā):

Other Means of Cognitions’,—i.e. the Means of Cognition other than the Veda,—i.e. Sense-perception and the rest.

Tulyārthānām’—bearing upon one and the same thing.

To only one’—the one appearing first of all; the other being only reiterative.

The validity of this first Cognition cannot be due to the other subsequent cognitions; because these latter are themselves invalid, inasmuch as they apprehend what has been already apprehended.—(2898)

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