Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)
by George N. Roerich | 1949 | 382,646 words | ISBN-10: 8120804716 | ISBN-13: 9788120804715
This page relates ‘Phagmodru lineage (iii): rgyal ba rin po che’ of the Blue Annals (deb-ther sngon-po)—An important historical book from the 15th century dealing with Tibetan Buddhism and details the spiritual doctrine and lineages of religious teachers in Tibet. This chapter belongs to Book 8 (The famous Dakpo Kagyü (traditions)).
Chapter 10 - Phagmodru lineage (iii): rgyal ba rin po che
[Full title: Phagmodru lineage (iii): rgyal ba rin po che (grags pa brtson 'grus) (thog rdugs pa) (1203-1267, abbot in 1235)]
Rgyal ba rin po che was born as son of father yon chen sangs rgyas skyabs and mother ye shes 'tsho rgyal in the year Water Female Hog (chu mo phag 1203 A.D.). At the age of 15, he received ordination in the presence of the upādhyāya ston pa and the ācārya lan pa, and was given the name of grags pa brtson 'grus. At the age of 16, he proceeded towards dbus. Lord spyan snga having blessed him, a spiritual realization was born in him. At the age of 19, he came to ‘bri khung and received final monastic ordination in the presence of the upādhyāya ston pa, the karma-ācārya shar gling pa and the Secret Preceptor yu dam pa. After that he practised meditation and developed occult powers. At the age of 33, in the year Wood Female Sheep (sin mo lug 1235 A.D.) he occupied the abbot’s chair. This was the year following the coming of the Lord spyan snga to 'bri khung. He spent 33 years (at ‘bri khung).
On one occasion when lightning struck him, he wrapped it into his religious mantle, and no harm resulted; after this he became known as thog rdugs pa (“Lightning proof"). Having heard about the fame of his accomplishments, king hu la from stod (West Tibet) presented on three occasions great offerings to him. Further, the kings of Siṅgha-gliṅ (Ceylon), ti ra hu ti (Tirhut) and ya tshe (West Tibet, Ladak) also sent numerous offerings to him.
He passed into the Sphere of Purity on the 18th day of the year Fire Female Hare (me mo yos 1267 A.D.) at the age of 65. On the cremation of his remains, a shower of flowers fell, two great lights appeared, and some said that three suns were seen shining. On two occasions his body (was heard) uttering words. During the cremation, numerous relics, such as a stūpa of Mahābodhi, the four corners of which were adorned with relics, were recovered (from the ashes).
He had numerous disciples, such as the siddha smon lam 'bar, who was reputed to have been able to transform blood into milk, and perform other miracles.