Middle Chola Temples
by S. R. Balasubrahmanyam | 1975 | 141,178 words
This volume of Chola Temples covers Rajaraja I to Kulottunga I in the timeframe A.D. 985-1070. The Cholas of Southern India left a remarkable stamp in the history of Indian architecture and sculpture. Besides that, the Chola dynasty was a successful ruling dynasty even conquering overseas regions....
2. Images Set Up By Kundavai
1. Uma Paramesvari, Consort of Dakshina Meru Vitankar.
2. Uma Paramesvari, Consort of Tanjai Vitankar.
3. Ponmaligai Tunjiva Devar.
4. Vanavan Mahadevi (Tammai).
We have already mentioned that Rajaraja I and Kundavai were the children of Parantaka Sundara Chola II through his queen Vanavan Mahadevi; hence Kundavai is known as Piran-takan (magal) Kundavaiyar, that is, Kundavai, the daughter of Parantakan. From paras 1 and 2 of inscription SI I, II, 6, we gather that Kundavai set up four images in metal; two of them were of the Consorts of Dakshina Meru Vitankar and Tanjai Vitankar, whose images were set up by her brother Rajaraja I; both the Consorts were called Uma Paramesvari. The other two were of her father and mother, viz., Ponmaligai Tunjiya Devar (Sundara Chola) and Vanavan Mahadevi, whom she merely describes as “Tammai” (mother); the extent of her devotion to her parents is shown by the unusual use of the expression tirumeni with reference to the icons of her parents—tirumeni being used generally only to refer to icons of gods, and the icons of human beings, otherwise described as portrait sculptures, being generally termed “pratimai”.