Khadi Mauri Ginger Mango

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Herbal Glycerine Body Wash
Ayurvedic Beauty Soap
Cleanses skin and body of infections toxins and dirt controls acne and pimples improves complexion enhances growth of the tissues makes skin soft and glowing.Each 100 g Contains Amba Haldi 1.0g, Ginger oil 1.0g, Aam Seed 1.0g, Harad fruit 0.25g, Ghrit kumari 1.0g, Mangistha 0.1g, Lemon fruit 0.3g, mango oil 0.5g, Glycerine 8.0g, purified water q.s methy/propyl paraben sodium 0.25g, tallow fatty acid 22g
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