Jain Science and Spirituality

by Medhavi Jain | 2020 | 61,419 words

This essay studies the elements of Jainism and investigates how Jain science and philosophy can give the world answers to through science and spirituality. Instead of interpreting it as a confined, strict philosophy, it is shown that Jainism represents a path towards self-awakening through self-improvement....

1.2. Six Universal Qualities of Substance

There are six universal qualities which are found in all the substances. ‘They are as follows: being, entityhood, substancehood, objectivity, having smallest indivisible units and eternal persistence.’[1] The same qualities can be translated in Hindi as: ‘astitva, vastutva, dravyatva, prameyatva, pradeshatva, and agurulaghutva[2] respectively. This concept is wonderful indeed and one becomes speechless by the subtlety of these qualities.

"Being", implies nonstop persistence (by reason of which a substance keeps up its reality and never meets annihilation). "Entity hood" signifies causal effectiveness. "Substance hood" signifies the normal for being a substratum of characteristics and modes. "Objectivity" signifies the likelihood of turning into an object of knowledge. "Possession of space points" signifies a quality which makes estimation of parts achievable. " Agurulaghutva" signifies faithfulness in its own temperament." Basically every substance continues having these six characteristics independent of what it experiences amid the progression of time. 'Agurulaghutva' is absolutely the quality which keeps a substance from surrendering its substance hood and a quality from relinquishing its quality hood.’[3] These concepts are aesthetically beautiful indeed.

Footnotes and references:


TETU. pp. 117


https://jainsite.com/jainism_post/jain-philosophy-2-14-shad-dravya/ (Retrieved on 31-01-2018 @ 10:30 AM)


TETU. pp. 117

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