Chaitanya Bhagavata
by Bhumipati Dāsa | 2008 | 1,349,850 words
The Chaitanya Bhagavata 3.3.114, English translation, including a commentary (Gaudiya-bhasya). This text is similair to the Caitanya-caritamrita and narrates the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, proclaimed to be the direct incarnation of Krishna (as Bhagavan) This is verse 114 of Antya-khanda chapter 3—“Mahaprabhu’s Deliverance of Sarvabhauma, Exhibition of His Six-armed Form, and Journey to Bengal”.
Verse 3.3.114
Bengali text, Devanagari and Unicode transliteration of verse 3.3.114:
আর্ত-নাদে সার্বভৌম করেন রোদন ধরিযা অপূর্ব পাদ-পদ্ম রমা-ধন ॥ ১১৪ ॥
आर्त-नादे सार्वभौम करेन रोदन धरिया अपूर्व पाद-पद्म रमा-धन ॥ ११४ ॥
ārta-nāde sārvabhauma karena rodana dhariyā apūrva pāda-padma ramā-dhana || 114 ||
arta-nade sarvabhauma karena rodana dhariya apurva pada-padma rama-dhana (114)
English translation:
(114) Sārvabhauma cried pathetically as he held those wonderful lotus feet, which are the wealth of Ramā, the goddess of fortune.