Nepal: Natural History Gallery [Photo gallery]

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The objects that are collected and displayed here in this gallery are extremely important and rare. The form and contours of various animals have been prepared following the taxidermy technique and they look as they did when living. Also in this gallery one can very dearly view astonishing objects relating to natural science. From this gallery's presentation one can gain knowledge of various types of animal species, birds and reptiles. Another important part of the gallery is the display of the mandibular bones of a whale, the largest among all mammals on the earth.

Another equally important object displayed here is the remains of a Lycoptera, a fossilized reptile that belongs to the Jurassic period (approximately 130 million years old). This gallery has proud privilege of having such an old and rare object in the museum, the fossil was gifted to then Defense Secretary Mr. Madam Aryal during his visit to the People’s Republic of China. It was because of his effort that the museum got the opportunity to display this rare object in this gallery.

Many important objects that are a part of this gallery have been acquired from the Governments of different countries. One among these objects was gifted by the United States of America. This was a rock collected from the moon. Similarly, a replica of a stuffed baby rhino prepared under special methods was brought from the UK.

The dolls section is another important attraction in the gallery. The small human figures displayed here represent the lifestyle and attire of different people around the world. Looking through these magnificent dolls, one can feel that the world itself is a colorful garden with the people from different cultural backgrounds.

Gallery: 71 images

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