Shape Up - Hips, Thighs & Arms Shaping Oil

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Say goodbye to cellulite reduces flab & firms skin beautiful arms and legs in just 14 days
An Ayurvedic Formulation Massage everynight on your hips, thighs & upper arms for 15-20 minutes
& cover the area with hot towel for 10 minutes. Allow it to remain for 6-8 hours. For best results
also use VLCC Shape Up Hips, Thighs & Arms Shaping Gel in the morning, after bath.
Hips, Thighs & Upper Arms tend to suffer from ungainly flab, uneven skin texture and dimpled skin.
This is cellulite, more commonly referred as ‘Orange Peel Syndrome’. Prime reason for cellulite is
adipose tissues. These tissues swell into fat, expanding into the dermis, causing overlaying skin
to protrude. Since cellulite is no ordinary fat, it needs special attention and will not disappear
with just routine exercises or dieting. is the result of 15 years of research and ongoing R&D at VLCC. Based on the
goodness of Ayurveda, this product is make with herbal and vegetable extracts. VLCC Shape Up Hips,
Thighs & Arms Shaping oil has been specially formulated to reduce cellulite, firm skin and
increase skin elasticity. It is no greasy, easy to apply and gets absorbed fast. It makes the skin
smooth and restores the body’s youthful look with visible results within 14 days.
In a research conducted by an independent clinical research agency on varying age groups, The
volunteers witnessed the following results.
Average Good Excellent
Change in skin texture 7%23% 70%
Reduction in circumference of thigh 16% 68% 16%
In 14 days, The skin of the problem zones become noticeably firmer. Regular application
effectively reduces and prevents formation of new cellulite.
Results may vary from person to person. Oils of Sesamum Indicum (Sesame) 15%, Tritcum Vulgare (Wheatgerm) 2%, Punica
Grantum (Pomegranate) 0.5%, Ptychotis Ajowan (Ajowa Seed) 0.3%, Cyperus Pertenuis (Cyperus) 0.4%,
Foeniculum Vulgare (Sweet Fennel) 0.5%, Citrus Aurantifolia (Lemon Peel) 0.4%, Geranium Sylvaticum
(Geranium) 0.5%, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) 0.3%, Extracts of Cynodon Dactylon (Doorva
Grass) 1%, Quercus Infectoria (Galnut) 1%, Mineral Oil Base Q.S.
An Ayurvedic Product (For External Use Only)
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