Erand Tail (Castor Oil)

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Each 5 ml Contains: Erand Tail – 5 ml It is a mild purgative for babies, children, healthy
and weak adults and aged persons alike. 4 to 6 ml. For adults: 2 to 4 teaspoonful (8 to 16 ml.) with warm
milk. A little of warm milk or water should be taken thereafter. For
children one teaspoonful (4 ml.) and for infants ½ teaspoonful (2 ml.) is
to be given with warm milk.
For infants below one year, 5 to 10 drops (0.25 to 0.5 ml.) Should be given
with honey.
Ayurvedic MedicineBhaishajya Ratnawali/Amvat chikitsa prakaran.
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