Brihat Jataka

author: P. S. Sastri
edition: 2007, Ranjan Publications
pages: 227
ISBN-10: 8188230812
Topic: Jyotisha

About the author (P. S. Sastri)

A unique work by India’s greatest astronomer-astrologer Varahamihira: The author has materials from various authorities of India, Egypt, and Greece. More than Parasara’s treatises, this work aid the solid foundations of Indian astrology.

It is the source book that shows the parting of ways from the earlier Yavana (Sphujidhvaja) teachers by nationalizing the theories of Satyakirti and others. The author has awarded the earlier theories on the basis of his own vast experience.

The translation of this greatest work is by a scholar who has done research in Indian and western astrology for nearby six decades, No one can be a good student or practitioner of astrology without mastering this great work.

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