Jain Science and Spirituality

by Medhavi Jain | 2020 | 61,419 words

This essay studies the elements of Jainism and investigates how Jain science and philosophy can give the world answers to through science and spirituality. Instead of interpreting it as a confined, strict philosophy, it is shown that Jainism represents a path towards self-awakening through self-improvement....

Since the times when the agamas were written down, Jain literature has been flourished beautifully. Different scholars and seekers have dived into the ocean of knowledge, Jain agamas provide, choosing the topic of their choice from the innumerable options, and have found answers to their questions. National and international scholars, Jains and non-Jain seekers have found Jain philosophy immensely interesting and worthy of dedicating their lifetimes to it.

There are many prominent scholars who have worked throughout their lives for research in Jain philosophy. Their works can searched and studied. Apart from literature on Jain science and spirituality, books on different topics like: Jain Architecture, Jain Iconography, Jain Art of Sculptor making etc., can also be found and studied.

The purpose of this thesis is to motivate one to develop a keen interest to know more about Jainism as “Jainism is a religion that depends on reason and debilitates blind confidence; being a religion, a significant component of confidence consistently remains, yet it is an objective faith that can be talked about.”[1] In this context the need of a torch-bearer is the need of the modern times as the religious scenario is undergoing quite a rough patch.

Footnotes and references:


JTIF. pp. 56

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