Yoga-sutra with Bhasya [sanskrit]
9,932 words
The Sanskrit edition of the Patañjali: Yogasūtra with Bhāṣya (= Pātañjalayogaśāstra). Based on the edition by Kāśinātha Śāstrī Āgāśe. The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is a collection of Sanskrit aphorisms (Sūtras) on the theory and practice of Yoga. It includes the theory of ashtanga (eight elements of practice culminating in samadhi)—Yama (abstinences), Niyama (observances), Āsana (yoga posture), Prāṇāyāma (breath control), Pratyāhāra (withdrawal of the senses), Dhāraṇā (concentration of the mind), Dhyāna (meditation) and Samādhi (absorption).
Sūtra 2.51
bāhyābhyantaraviṣayākṣepī caturthaḥ || YS_2.51 ||
deśakālasaṃkhyābhirbāhyaviṣayaparidṛṣṭa ākṣiptaḥ. tathābhyantaraviṣayaparidṛṣṭa ākṣiptaḥ. ubhayathā dīrghasūkṣmaḥ. tatpūrvako bhūmijayātkrameṇobhayorgatyabhāvaścaturthaḥ prāṇāyāmaḥ. tṛtīyastu viṣayānālocito gatyabhāvaḥ sakṛdārabdha eva deśakālasaṃkhyābhiḥ paridṛṣṭo dīrghasūkṣmaḥ. caturthastu śvāsapraśvāsayorviṣayāvadhāraṇātkrameṇa bhūmijayādubhayākṣepapūrvako gatyabhāvaścaturthaḥ prāṇāyāma ityayaṃ viśeṣa iti. 2.51