Maranem, Maraṇēṃ, Maraṇeṃ: 2 definitions
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Marathi-English dictionary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionarymaraṇēṃ (मरणें).—v i (maraṇa S) To die. 2 To wither or dry up: also to wilt, fade, droop, decline--a tree or plant. 3 fig. To sink, fail, fall or lie unproductive--money in trade or with debtors. 4 In boy's play. To go or be out; to cease to sustain a part. 5 To perish or starve with cold. 6 To suffer deprivation of its active qualities, to be killed--quicksilver. 7 To lose sensibility; to die or become deadened through habituation. Ex. nitya māra khāllā asatāṃ pāṭhīcēṃ rakta maratēṃ. 8 To dry up--water, blood, juice, any moisture of. 9 To be resolved--an eruption, a boil or tumor. 10 To become stagnant in any cavity or depression--water &c.: also to stand still; to stick fast or lie dead--time. The sense in both the applications is To lie unprofitably. 11 To fail, go, pass away, be no more;--as hunger, thirst, any appetite or lust from denied gratification: also to cease, die, expire, be extinguished;--as hope, love, any affection or sentiment. 12 To lose its freshness, briskness, spirit--water or other liquor. 13 To undergo any extreme sickness or suffering; as hā tīna varṣēṃ maratō āhē: also to sustain exceedingly heavy loss; as tyā sākharēcyā vyāpārānta hā hajāra rupayāṃlā mēlā: also to toil and tug hard; to exhaust one's self; as tumhī sārē basatāṃ āṇi myāṃ ēkaṭyānēṃ marāvēṃ hēṃ ṭhīka nāhīṃ: also to long for with eagerness and wild excitement; to be dying with impatience; as ēvaḍhā maratōsa kāṃ udyā tujhēṃ kāma hōīla. 14 To lie or subside--dust. maraṇyā jiṇyāsa upayōgīṃ paḍaṇēṃ To turn to account some day or other. maratāṃ maratāṃ hātapāya jhāḍaṇēṃ To make a last and desperate effort. maramarūna jāṇēṃ or paḍaṇēṃ To be infatuated with or extravagantly enamoured of. marasa marē With exhausting or exceeding toil or pains. marūṃ ghālaṇēṃ To cast out or away to die; to abandon to perish. Ex. from Tukaram. jyānēṃ &c....tarīñca marūṃ ghātalā kumara || hā tayāvarī apaṭāvā ||. Also marūṃ ghātalēlā One so cast out or abandoned. marūna jiṇēṃ To rise from death, to resuscitate. Ex. gōvindāmṛtadṛṣṭi- vṛṣṭi || karitāṃ ātāṃ marūni jitōṃ ||. marūna paḍaṇēṃ To come with the densest clustering or profusion;--used of fruits upon their trees. marūṃ marūṃ karaṇēṃ To be quivering and flickering in the last agonies. marō marōsēṃ karaṇēṃ To weary out of one's life; to plague to death. mēlyācā pāḍa jāṇēṃ or hōṇēṃ in. con. (To be of the value of a corpse.) To be lightly esteemed. 2 To be confounded, nonplussed, utterly disconcerted or ashamed.
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māraṇēṃ (मारणें).—v c (mṛ S) To kill. This sense, although the first etymologically or appropriately to the root mṛ, is, popularly, neither the first sense, nor scarcely ever the sense unless the verb be determined and fixed by conjunction in the ūna form with the verb ṭākaṇēṃ, or by construction with certain emphatic adverbs or with the noun jīva adverbially employed; e.g. mārūna ṭākaṇēṃ, ṭhāra māraṇēṃ, agadīṃ māraṇēṃ, niśśēṣa māraṇēṃ, jivānaśīṃ or jivānēṃ or jivēṃ māraṇēṃ 2 To beat, buffet, thump; to knock or hit; to strike in general whatever object with whatever instrument. 3 To overcome, vanquish, defeat. 4 To destroy the active qualities of, to kill (quicksilver, lead &c.) 5 To attack (houses, villages, travelers). 6 To rob or seize with assault (i. e. with killing or beating or personal violence). Ex. sōnēṃ māralēṃ, khajānā māralā, huṇḍī māralī. 7 To master, subdue, tame (affections, appetites, lusts). 8 To drive in (nails, pegs, stakes): to apply, fix, fasten, clap on (locks, rafters, fetters, anything whatever when smartness of action or firmness of fixture is implied). 9 māraṇēṃ is much used in the large or free sense of Do or Make; and conveys always an impression of force, promptitude, smartness, or briskness. Ex. ēvaḍhēṃ kāma māratōṃ āṇi yētōṃ. Involving this bold sense and expressed by māraṇēṃ are the applications:--to fire (a gun); to fight (a battle); to lay on (a sword, whip, cane); to dart or hurl (a missile); to strike (a sudden assault); to strike up (a run, a dance, a stretch, strain, spurt, any smart effort); to pitch (a tent); to chuck in or toss off (a sweetmeat, a morsel, a mouthful); to gulp, i. e. to embezzle (monies or goods); to earn smartly and cleverly, to make (profit in a business); as tyā vyāpārānta myāṃ dōnaśēṃ rupayē māralē; to utter sharply and loudly (a cry, call, shout, halloo); to make or do vehemently or eagerly (fun, frolic, freaks, extravagancies);--cala laukara hāta māra phaḍaśā karūna ṭāka. The above applications are not given as exhausting the sense and power of this verb. They are a few exemplifications only; for the cases in which māraṇēṃ is employed in construction with nouns to express a work or an action forcibly or smartly performed or done are, without any hyperbole, several hundred. māraṇēṃ thus is to be classed with ghālaṇēṃ, ṭākaṇēṃ, lāvaṇēṃ, pāḍaṇēṃ, hāṇaṇēṃ, ṭhōkaṇēṃ, and a few others, of the large use of all which wherever vehemence or vigor, activity or animation, are to be signified, notifications appear in every sheet of the dictionary. māraśīla (or jāḷaśīla &c.) tara puḍhēṃ jāśīla If you strike (me &c.) you will go farther (you will learn something beyond). A phrase of warning to one threatening to beat. mārāvā hattī luṭāvā bhaṇḍāra Away! do some great feat, some sounding exploit (I, demens, sævas curre per Alpes). Said to a driveling boaster.
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māraṇēṃ (मारणें).—v i (mṛ S) To strike; to act or bear upon with a quick or strong effect. Ex. hyā taḷyācī ōla tyācyā ōṭīvara māratī; kāya hō unhācyā ahyā or jhaḷyā māratāta; kāya śastrāñcī jhaḷaka or cakākī māratī; āgīcī āñca -dhaga -vāpha -māratī; vārā māratō; tāpa māratō. 2 To strike, shoot, dart;--as a stitch or rheumatic pain, a camaka- dhamaka -lacaka -śilaka -śūla -kaḷa -usaṇa; also śīra- ḍōī -ḍōsakēṃ -mastaka māratēṃ. chāyā māraṇēṃ g. of s. To have a cast of the likeness of. Ex. tumacyā bōlaṇyānta tīrtharūpācyā bōlaṇyācī chāyā māratī. jhōpa māratī or ḍukaḷyā māratāta in. con. To be drowsy or nodding. vāsa -ghāṇa -majā &c. -māraṇēṃ g. of s. To have a tincture, hue, savor, smack, smatch of--i. e. a cast or stroke of.
Source: DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-Englishmaraṇēṃ (मरणें).—v i Die. Dry up. To become stag- nant. Fail. maraṇyā jiṇyāsa upayōgīṃ paḍaṇēṃ Turn to account some day or other. maratāṃ maratāṃ hātapāya jhāḍaṇēṃ Make a last and desperate effort. maramarūna paḍaṇēṃ Be infatuated with or extravagantly enamoured of, to toil hard.
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māraṇēṃ (मारणें).—v t Kill. Beat. Drive in, fix. Master, subdue. v i Strike. To do with force or promptitude; as banduka māraṇēṃ, laḍhāī māraṇēṃ.
Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.
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Full-text (+167): Aghadi-maranem, Baju Maranem, Akheri-maranem, Balya Denem-Maranem-Hakanem, Ushtaya-hatane-kavala-na-maranem, Balya Denem -Maranem -Hakanem, Bangadi Maranem, Aduna-goli-maranem, Jhaka-maranem, Girihaika, Upashi, Bhuka, Tinatina, Tambu, Upasamara, Mitaka, Taravara, Budi, Venga, Maragata.
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