A Manual of Abhidhamma
by Nārada Thera | 80,494 words | ISBN-13: 9789380336510
In the Abhidhammattha Sangaha there is a brief exposition of the Law of Dependent Origination, followed by a descriptive account of the Causal Relations that finds no parallel in any other philosophy. Edited in the original Pali Text with English Translation and Explanatory Notes by Narada Maha Thera....
§ 11.
Javanesu ca parittajavanavīthiyam kāmāvacarajavanāni sattakkhattum chakkhattum' eva vā javanti.
Mandappavattiyam pana maranakālādīsu pañcavāram'eva.
Bhagavato pana yamakapātihāriyakālādīsu lahukappavattiyam cattāri pañca vā paccavekkhanacittāni bhavantī' ti pi vadanti.
ādikammikassa pana pathamakappanāyam mahaggatajavanāni, abhiññājavanāni ca sabbadā pi ekavāram eva javanti Tato param bhavangapāto.
Cattāro pana magguppādā ekacittakkhanikā. Tato param dve tīni phalacittāni yathāraham uppajjanti. Tato param bhavangapāto.
Nirodhasamāpattikāle dvikkhattum catutthāruppajavanam javati. Tato param nirodham phusati. Vutthānakāle ca anāgami phalam vā arahattaphalam vā yathāraham ekavāram uppajjitvā niruddhe bhavangapāto' va hoti.
Sabbatthā' pi samāpattivīthiyam pana bhavvangasoto viya vithiniyamo natthī' ti katvā bahūni pi labbhantī' ti, veditabbam.
§ 12.
Sattakkhattum parittāni maggābhiññā sakim
Avasesāni labhanti javanāni bahūni'pi.
Ayam' ettha Javana-Niyamo.
(translation) (13)
§ 11.
Amongst the javanas, in a minor process, the sense-sphere javanas run only for seven or six times.
But in the case of a feeble process and at the time of dying, etc., only five times.
To the Exalted One, at the time of the 'Twin Psychic Phenomenon' and the like, when the procedure is alert, only four or five reflective thought-moments arise, they say.
To the beginner, during the first ecstasy, the Sublime javanas and super-intellect javanas run only once at all times. Subsequently there is subsidence into the life-continuum.
The arising of the four Paths endures for only one thought-moment. Thereafter two or three Fruit thought-moments arise accordingly. Then comes subsidence into life-continuum .
At the time of Supreme Cessation (14) the fourth arūpa javana runs twice and then contacts Cessation. When emerging (from this ecstasy) either Anāgāmi Fruit-consciousness or Arahatta Fruit-consciousness arises accordingly. When it ceases there is subsidence into the life-continuum .
In the process of Attainments there is no regularity of thought-processes, as in the stream of the life-continuum. Nevertheless, it should be understood that many (Sublime and Supramundane) javanas take place.
§ 12.
It should be known that minor javanas arise seven times, the Path and Super-intellect only once, the rest (Sublime and Supramundane) several times.
Herein this is the procedure of javanas.
13. Javana -
As it is difficult to give an adequate English rendering for javana, the Pāli term has been retained here.
Both psychologically and ethically javana thought-moments are the most important, as both good and evil are determined at this stage.
Sometimes the javanas last only for one moment. At times they may continue for seven moments at the most.
Kāmāvacara javanas, as a rule, last only for six or seven moments. When one is in a senseless state or is about to die, javanas are confined to five moments.
When the Buddha, by His psychic powers, emits fire and water, almost simultaneously, from His body, only four or five javana thought-moments arise so as to reflect on the jhāna factors, which is a prerequisite, for the performance of this 'Twin Psychic Phenomenon'.
In the case of a yogi who develops the first jhāna for the first time, javana lasts only for one moment. So is it with those who develop the five abhiññās - namely, i. Psychic Powers (Iddhividha), ii. Celestial Ear (Dibba Sota), iii. Celestial Eye (Dibba Cakkhu), iv. Reading of Others' Thoughts (Paracittavijānana), and v. Reminiscence of Previous Births (Pubbe-nivāsānussati ñāna). The four classes of supramundane javana Path-consciousness also last for one moment only. It is at this great moment that Nibbāna is intuited.
14. Nirodha Samāpatti -
An Anāgāmi or an Arahat, who has developed the rūpa and arūpa jhānas, could, by will-power, temporarily arrest the ordinary flow of consciousness even for seven days continuously. When one attains this state, all mental activities cease, although there exist heat and life devoid of any breathing. The difference between a corpse and one in this state, is that the latter possesses life. Books state too that his body cannot be harmed. The attainment of such an ecstatic state is known as nirodha samāpatti. Nirodha means cessation, and samāpatti is attainment.
Immediately prior to the attainment of this state he experiences for two moments the fourth arūpa jhāna (state of neither perception nor non-perception). The flow of consciousness then ceases until he emerges therefrom as determined by him. As a rule he remains in this state for about a week. Motionless he abides in this ecstasy. Books relate an incident of a Pacceka Buddha whose body was set fire to while in this state. But he was not affected thereby.
Now when he emerges from this state the first thought-moment to arise is an Anāgāmi Fruit-consciousness in the case of an Anāgāmi, or an Arahat Fruit-consciousness in the case of an Arahat. Thereafter the stream of consciousness subsides into bhavanga.