Bare Essentials Loofah - 100% Natural Loofah

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Everyday we shed 4% skin cells. It is a natural, regenerative process. If the dead skin is allowed to
remain, it settles as a thick layer and is impervious to moisturizers.
Exfoliation involves vigorous skin massage, either with the hand, a body brush, loofah or mitt. Loofahs
are highly effective in stimulating blood circulation, loosening dead cells and leaving the skin soft, supple
and glowing. Exfoliation also loosens blockages that help decreases the likelihood of ingrown hairs.
Give yourself a special treatment two or three times a week and use a gentle exfoliating scrub or cream
all over your body. This will shed dull surface cells to give the skin a finer texture and better colour, as
well as improve circulation. Exfoliation also softens those areas prone to hard skin, such as the heels,
knees and elbows. Sloughing off dead skin also makes it easier for moisturizers to be absorbed.
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