Aloe-Lime Juice

Topic: Ayurveda

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Detailled product description:

Fresh Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe Vera Barbendesis) 98% Aloe Vera Pulp, Vitamin C & E, Lemon, Food Stabilizers Energy 8.5 Kcal. Per 100 ml.
Pleasant Taste, You can also add water to make a low calories
Vitamin C & E, Aloe Vera Pulp added for better results.
Juice Extracted by cold process. Aloe Vera Barbendesis contains highest amount of Nutrients.
Do not use if seal is broken.
Stone in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Refrigerate after opening & consume within one month.
Avoid during Pregnancy.
Shake well before use
10-20 ml Twice daily for adults
5.10 ml Twice daily for children or as directed by the physician
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