Triveni Journal
1927 | 11,233,916 words
Triveni is a journal dedicated to ancient Indian culture, history, philosophy, art, spirituality, music and all sorts of literature. Triveni was founded at Madras in 1927 and since that time various authors have donated their creativity in the form of articles, covering many aspects of public life....
Gandhiji, where are you? You are only in the statues erected in your honour. On October 2nd, your birth anniversary, they garland you. Some speeches are made about you. Then you are forgotten - all that you preached have vanished, you spoke about truth and non-violence. You said “Truth is God. God is truth. Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. I will not sacrifice truth and ahimsa even for the deliverance of my country”. But where is truth now? Where is Ahimsa? You said Truth is God. Truth is only with God and not in man. Where is non-violence? Everyday we hear of terrorism, communal violence and domestic violence. The papers are full of thefts, burglaries and robberies. You asked people for simple living and high thinking.
Our representatives in the Parliament and in the Assemblies have started on high living and no thinking. To achieve high living they have become corrupt. They are interested only in making money ... now in crores. The Babus are equally corrupt. When corruption is rampant in high places, why should we blame the police. They merely follow those in power - Did not a wise man say “Power corrupts - Absolute power corrupts absolutely?”. We are proving the statement. By using power, criminals are becoming members of Parliament and the Assemblies.
Gandhiji! You said “woman is the companion of man gifted with equal mental capacity. She has an equal right for freedom with him”. But what is happening? There is domestic violence. She is beaten by the husband and the in-laws if she doesn’t bring more dowry. Women are subjected to rape - even gang-rape; Children are being kidnapped for extortion. “Gandhiji, you wanted prohibition - But where is prohibition today? Governments want more revenue to spend on unnecessary necessities and therefore abolished prohibition”. You regarded untouchables as Harijans (children of God). They changed the name to ‘Dalits’ - What is in a name? untouchability is abolished only in the Constitution but not in the hearts of people.
Gandhiji, you wanted uplift of the poor in the villages - But farmers are committing suicides unable to bear the burden of money lenders - Rich-are becoming richer, the poor are becoming poorer.
There is no respect for law and order even by the law makers. Today it was reported that an M.L.A. in AP settled the marriage of her minor daughter!
Democracy is not Just a Statutory Entity
“A deaf government and dumb people do not make democracy. Democracy is not just a. statutory entity. A knitting together of people’s hearts makes democracy, the hearts, being not of sheep, but of men”.