The validity of Anumana (inference) in Nyaya system

by Babu C. D | 2018 | 44,340 words

This thesis is called: The validity of Anumana (inference) in Nyaya system. It tries to establish the validity of Anumana through citing its application either consciously or unconsciously in every sphere of human life. Anumana in Nyaya system is the knowledge of any object not by direct observation but by means of the knowledge of a liṅga or sign ...

Chapter 5.8 - Anumana in Exit polls

Inference plays a better role in exit polls by which an early indication of the result of elections reaches public before counting votes. Election exist poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations. Unlike in an opinion poll in which the voter’s plan is solicited deciding the result, in exit poll the data is collected from the voters while they exit after casting votes. Since actual votes are cast anonymously, polling is the only way of collecting this information. It is used throughout the world as a check against and a rough indicator of the degree of election fraud. They are used to command a mandate as well as to determine whether or not a particular political campaign was successful or not. The collected data from the voters has been analyzed logically basing itself on certain premises and logical conclusions are arrived at. It is the deduction process that is followed in inferences. The method used in exit polls is one of the best examples of inferential procedure.

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