by Shankara | 1921 | 49,785 words | ISBN-13: 9788175051065
The Vivekachudamani is a collection of poetical couplets authored by Shankara around the eighth century. The philosophical school this compilation attempts to expose is called ‘Advaita Vedanta’, or non-dualism, one of the classical orthodox philosophies of Hinduism. The book teaches Viveka: discrimination between the real and the unreal. Shankara d...
Verse 320
दृश्यं प्रतीतं प्रविलापयन्सन्
सन्मात्रमानन्दघनं विभावयन् ।
समाहितः सन्बहिरन्तरं वा
कालं नयेथाः सति कर्मबन्धे ॥ ३२0 ॥dṛśyaṃ pratītaṃ pravilāpayansan
sanmātramānandaghanaṃ vibhāvayan |
samāhitaḥ sanbahirantaraṃ vā
kālaṃ nayethāḥ sati karmabandhe || 320 ||320. Causing the external and internal universe, which are now perceived, to vanish, and meditating on the Reality, the Bliss Embodied, one should pass one’s time watchfully, if there be any residue of Prārabdha work left.
[External and internal universes—the worlds of matter and thought. The former exists outside of man, whereas the latter he himself creates by the power of thought. vanish—through the eliminating
process, ‘Neti, Neti—Brahman is not this, not this, etc. ]