Mandukya Upanishad

With an Advaita Commentary from our Understanding

by Kenneth Jaques | 31,733 words

The Mandukya Upanishad is a short, just twelve verses, description of the material manifestation and the eventual return to unmanifest form of the Universe....

Verse 23

23. By its own nature the cause is not originated from the beginningless, and the effect too. For which there is no beginning, there is no cause indeed for it.

The meaning here is that the nature of the Absolute is immortality. The immortal does not change nor is it mutable. Further, the Absolute is not the effect of any "other" nor is it the cause of any "other" The Absolute being without birth is the sole existing Singularity, this means it is uncaused, further it is not the cause or effect of any "other". The Absolute is clearly without beginning and Eternal.

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