Mandukya Upanishad

With an Advaita Commentary from our Understanding

by Kenneth Jaques | 31,733 words

The Mandukya Upanishad is a short, just twelve verses, description of the material manifestation and the eventual return to unmanifest form of the Universe....

Verse 37

37.  Disassociated with praise,  disassociated with salutation and quite disassociated with the utterance of Svadha that is,  performance of Sraddha rites in honour of Pitrs,   and having no fixed residence whatever,  one should become an ascetic acting according to His will or,   chance.

"Disassociated with praise,  disassociated with salutation and quite disassociated with the utterance of Svadha that is,  performance of Sraddha rites in honour of Pitrs"

To the realised Sage both praise or salutation can only arise from delusion and is therefore meaningless.
It is a mistake to see others as separate from oneself.  It is a mistake to imagin that whatever may be worthy of praise within oneself could be due to any personal or individual merit.
Considering the Realised Sage,  what relevance could be seen in the practice of rites with all their duality.

"and having no fixed residence whatever,  one should become an ascetic acting according to His will or,   chance."

The realised Sage will not seek or need the security of a regular home.  The Sage will be guided by his own judgement based on his knowledge of the Absolute.  The realised sage came to his realisation through the surrender of his own self and will.  Having surrendered he will allow events to be guided by  "His",  the Absolute's,  will.
The desireless one will not mind what happens and will experience all as mere facets of the Self,  Mere movement within the play of creation.

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