Mandukya Upanishad

With an Advaita Commentary from our Understanding

by Kenneth Jaques | 31,733 words

The Mandukya Upanishad is a short, just twelve verses, description of the material manifestation and the eventual return to unmanifest form of the Universe....

Verse 14

14.  Those objects of thought,  lasting as long as the thought lasts within,  likewise those objects related to points in time outside,  all those are mere products of imagination  (lit. imagined);  the differentiation between the two is not due to any other reason.
"Those objects of thought,  lasting as long as the thought lasts within"

Objects supported by imagination or thought within the mind can be imagined as independent of  "real time"  objects because they are supported by mind and not the real world.  It seems for this reason the objects are unreal.

"likewise those objects related to points in time outside"

Objects seen as external to the mind,  existing in real time and dependent on external factors,  are seen to have a beginning and an end  (two points in time).  For this reason they are seen as real.

"all those are mere products of imagination  (lit. imagined)"

But,  as explained in the previous verse,  all phenomena is a product of the One Absolute Consciousness.

"the differentiation between the two is not due to any other reason."

No reason exists that supports duality or any differentiation.  All thoughts of the mind and all that is externally perceived and apparently existing for longer than this perceived period of time are all just the projected knowledge  (imagination)  of the Absolute.  There is no other substance or reason within the phenomena of Creation.

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