Śrī Kṛṣṇa-vijaya
by Śrī Gunaraja Khan | 5,981 words
Sri Krishna Vijaya is the description of Lord Krishna's pastimes when He appeared on earth more than five thousand years ago. Compiled by the famous Vaishnava Poet Gunaraja Khan (also known as Maladhar Vasu)....
Chapter 11 - Lord Kṛṣṇa and His Associates in the Spiritual World of Vṛndāvana (Śri-rāga)
Śri Vṛndāranyer Śri Yoga-piṭhe Sa-parikār Śri Govinder
Text 1
śuna śuna ohe nara śuna sabadhane ara dine ara krīḍa kaila narayaṇe
śuna-please hear; śuna-please hear; ohe-O; nara-people; śuna-please hear; sabadhane-carefully; ara-another; dine-day; ara-another; krīḍa-pastime; kaila-done; narayaṇe-by Lord Narayana.
O people, please hear. Please hear. With great attention please hear of another pastime Lord Nārāyana enjoyed on another day.
Text 2
dwadaśa batsara haite krīḍe gadadhar caudda batsera bela dekhite sundar
dwadaśa-twelve; batsara-years; haite-from; krīḍe-in His pastimes; gadadhaḥ-Kṛṣṇa; caudda-fourteen; batsera-years; bela-until; dekhite-to see; sundaḥ-handsome.
From the ages of twelve years to fourteen years in His pastimes, Kṛṣṇa became very handsome.
Text 3
kiśora bayasa kṛṣṇa jaubanera chaṭa śyamasundara kṛṣṇa jena jaladhara-paṭa
kiśora-kisora; bayasa-age; kṛṣṇa-Kṛṣṇa; jaubanera-yauvana; chaṭa-splendor; śyamasundara-dark and handsome; kṛṣṇa-Kṛṣṇa; jena-like; jaladhara-paṭa-a monsoon cloud.
In His kaiśora and yauvana age Kṛṣṇa was dark and handsome like a splendid monsoon cloud.
Text 4
kalpa-taru mule cinta kari ekeśwar joga-pīṭhe basi kare asana sundar
kalpa-taru-of a kalpa-vrkdsa tree; mule-at the root; cinta-meditation; kari-I do; ekeśwaḥ-on the Supreme Personality of Godhead; joga-pīṭhe-in His holy abode; basi-residing; kare-doing; asana-on a seat; sundaḥ-handsome.
I meditate on the handsome Supreme Personality of Godhead, who sits under a kalpa-vṛkṣa tree in the spiritual world.
Text 5
tahara upare basi ache nanda-bala purnimara candra jena udaya ṣola kala
tahara-Him; upare-above; basi-residing; ache-is; nanda- bala-delightful; purnimara-full; candra-moon; jena-like; udaya-rising; ṣola kala-full.
Above Him is a beautiful full moon.
Text 6
gopī-ganera sṛṣṭi ṣoḍaśa nayika ṣoḍaśa nayika sṛṣṭe ekala radhika
gopī-gaṇera-of the gopis; sṛṣṭi-creation; ṣoḍaśa-sixteen; nayika-heroines; ṣoḍaśa-sixteen; nayika-heroines; sṛṣṭe-in the creation; ekala-one; radhika-Rādhā.
He is accompanied by sixteen beautiful gopis, among whom Rādhā is the first.
Text 7
bama-parśwe radhika dakṣine candravalī aśa-paśe juthe juthe ramanī-manḍalī
bama-parśwe-on the left side; radhika-Rādhā; dakṣine-on the right side; candravalī-Candravali; aśa- paśe-around Him; juthe-gorup; juthe-after group; ramaṇī- maṇḍalī-a circle of beautiful gopis.
On His left is Rādhā. On His right is Candrāvali. On every side are group after group of beautiful gopis.
Text 8
cintamani mandirera cari-khana dwar paścima mukhete prabhu radha-kantera bar
cintamaṇi-of cintamani jewels; mandirera-of a palace; cari-khana-four places; dwaḥ-gates; paścima-on the west; mukhete-in the beginning; prabhu-the Lord; radha-kantera-the lover of Rādhā; baḥ-the palace.
Behind Rādhā's beloved Kṛṣṇa is a great cintāmaṇi jewel palace with four gates.
Text 9
cari-dware cari-dwarī se cari goyal kṛṣṇera samana beśa dekhite rasal
cari-dware-at the four gates; cari-dwarī-four gatekeepers; se-that; cari-four; goyal-gopas; kṛṣṇera-Kṛṣṇa; samana-like; beśa-apperance; dekhite-to see; rasal-charming.
The four gates had four gopa gatekeepers, each one charming and handsome like Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself.
Text 10
śrīdama goyala dwarī paścime duyare purbete sudama dwarī dama uttare
śrīdama-Śridama; goyala-the gopa; dwarī-gatekeeper; paścime-in the west; duyare-the gate; purbete-in the east; sudama-Sudama; dwarī-the gatekeeper; dama-Dama; uttare-in the north.
At the western gate the gatekeeper is Śridāmā. At the eastern gate the gatekeeper is Sudāmā. At the northern gate the gatekeeper is Dāmā.
Text 11
dakṣine dwarete dwarī kiṅkinīka nam anandete bṛndabane biharaye kan
dakṣine-in the southern; dwarete-gate; dwarī-the gatekeeper; kiṅkiṇīka-Kiṅkiṇīka; nam-named; anandete-bliss; bṛndabane-in Vṛndāvana; biharaye-pastimes; kan-Kṛṣṇa.
At the southern gate the gatekeeper is Kiṅkiṇīka. Within the gates is Vṛndāvana, where Kṛṣṇa enjoys many blissful pastimes.
Text 12
cintamani mandire balak lakhe lakhe subala-adi balaka saba mandira rakhe
cintamani-of cintamani jewels; mandire-in the palace; balak-boys; lakhe lakhemillions and millions; subala- adi-beginning with Subala; balaka-boys; saba-all; mandira-the placae; rakhe-protect.
Millions and millions of gopa boys assist Subala and the other gatekeepers in protecting the cintāmaṇi jewel palace.
Text 13
nana alaṅkara śobhe gale bana-mala kṛṣṇera samana beśa jane nana kala
nana-various; alaṅkara-ornaments; śobhe-handsome; gale-on the neck; bana-mala-forest garlands; kṛṣṇera-of Kṛṣṇa; samana-equal; beśa-appearance; jane-know; nana-various; kala-arts.
Decorated with various ornaments, learned in various arts, and forest garlands around their necks, these gopas look like Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself.
Text 14
keha kala keha gaura sabai kiśor aṅgera kiraṇa taṅra ati se ujor
keha-some; kala-dark; keha-some; gaura-fair; sabai-all; kiśoḥ-youthful; aṅgera-of limbs; kiraṇa-effulgence; taṅra-of him; ati se ujoḥ-very splendid.
Some are dark. Others are fair. All are in the prime of youth. All have limbs that are splendid and glorious.
Text 15
mathaya mayura-puccha goñja manohar sakala goyala sei kṛṣṇera sodar
mathaya-on the head; mayura-puccha-peacock feather; goñja-gunja; manohaḥ-charming; sakala-all; goyala-gopas; sei-that; kṛṣṇera-of Kṛṣṇa; sodaḥ-handsome.
Wearing guñjā necklaces and peacock-feather crowns, all the gopas are charming and handsome like Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself.
Text 16
kaṅkhe śiṅga hate beṇu kare kare bet kaṭi-taṭe dhaṭī śobhe saba paṭa śwet
kaṅkhe-on the waist; śiṅga-buffalo-horn bugle; hate-in the hand; beṇu-flute; kare kare-in the other hand; bet-stick; kaṭi-taṭe-on the hips; dhaṭī-cloth; śobhe-handsome; saba-all; paṭa-cloth; śwet-white.
At each waist is a buffalo-horn bugle. In one hand is a flute and the other a stick. A graceful white cloth decorates each waist.
Text 17
kṛṣṇera anande ananda saba goyal su-swarete gīta gaya dhariya se tal
kṛṣṇera-of Kṛṣṇa; anande-bliss; ananda-bliss; saba-all; goyal-gopas; su-swarete-with sweet sounds; gīta-song; gaya-sing; dhariya-keeping; se-that; tal-rhythm.
When Kṛṣṇa is happy, all the gopas are happy. They clap their hands and sing with sweet voices.
Text 18
kṛṣṇera sebiya saba kṛṣṇa-gata-citta mandire beḍiya saba gaya nana-gīta
kṛṣṇeḥ-of Kṛṣṇa; sebiya-serving; saba-all; kṛṣṇa- gata-citta-their hearts gone to Kṛṣṇa; mandire-in the palace; beḍiya-surrounding; saba-all; gaya-singing; nana-gīta-many songs.
They serve Kṛṣṇa. Their hearts are surrendered to Kṛṣṇa. Surrounding Kṛṣṇa in that palace, they sing many songs.
Text 19
sei mandira majjhe krīḍa kare nanda-bala candane sajjita aṅga gale bana-mala
sei mandira majjhe-in that palace; krīḍa-pastimes; kare-do; nanda-bala-Nanda's son; candane-sandal; sajjita-anointed; aṅga-limbs; gale-on the neck; bana-mala-a forest garland.
His limbs anointed with sandal paste and a forest garland around His neck, Nanda's son Kṛṣṇa enjoys many pastimes in that palace.
Text 20
śirete mayura-pucch/e hate mohana-baṃśī suraṅga adhare tara mṛdu-manda hasi
śirete-on His head; mayura-pucch/e-a peacock feather; hate-in Hishand; mohana-baṃśī-a charming flute; suraṅga-charming; adhare-lips; tara-of Him; mṛdu-manda-sweet; hasi-smile.
On His head is a peacock feather. In His hand is a charming flute. On His playful lips is a sweet smile.
Text 21
brajaṅgana-beṣṭita nagar śiromani pañcama alape gopī manohara dhwani
braja-of Vraja; aṅgana-by teh girls; beṣṭita-surrounded; nagaḥ-the hero; śiromani-the crest jewel; pañcama alape-in the fifth note; gopī-the gopis; manohara-charming; dhwani-sound.
Surrounded by the girls of Vraja, Kṛṣṇa is the crest jewel of playful lovers. The gopis sing to Him sweet songs in the fifth note.