Nahim Mhanuna Banalem Nahim, Nāhīṃ Mhaṇūna Banalēṃ Nāhīṃ, Nāhīṃ Mhaṇūna Banaleṃ Nāhīṃ: 1 definition


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Marathi-English dictionary

[«previous next»] — Nahim Mhanuna Banalem Nahim in Marathi glossary
Source: DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary

nāhīṃ mhaṇūna banalēṃ nāhīṃ (नाहीं म्हणून बनलें नाहीं).—2 To come into any state or being; to be made or formed; to become. Ex. tyācā raṅga cāṅgalā banalā; pratiṣṭitācā pōra paṇa sōdyāñcē saṅgatīnēṃ sōdā banalā. 3 To become fat and stout; or wealthy and prosperous. 4 To agree, suit, accord, fall in with, harmonize. Ex. hyācēṃ bāhēracē māṇasāṃsīṃ banatēṃ paṇa gharacē māṇasāṃsīṃ banata nā- hīṃ; ambaṭācēṃ āṇi gōḍācēṃ cāṅgalēṃ banatēṃ. 5 To be dressed and tricked out finely; to be bedecked and bedizened. Ex. asī caṭṭīpaṭṭī karūna banūna kōṇīkaḍē gē cālalīsa? 6 To change the shoulder--a hammal or other shoulder-bearer. 7 To get into proper form or state--trade, service, affairs, any business in hand or any matter proceeding. banīṃ banaṇēṃ To be dressed out. 2 To be accoutred or equipped; to be girt and prepared (for any service or business). banūna ṭhanūna cālaṇēṃ To strut in rich and gorgeous apparel.

context information

Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world.

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